例句:Sunny side of the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...... ({Y: 我}阳光的侧streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ... ...)
例句:We will find The child in ourselves ({Y: 我}我们会发现 {Y: 我对自己的孩子})
例句:Eddie, stop, you're gonna break the door! (I heard those are real safe. y...)
1. Eddie, stop, you're gonna break the door! (翻译:I heard those are real safe. y...)
2. Can the value of y be predicted from the value of x? (翻译:能从x值推知y值吗? )
3. A child is born in the town of David (翻译:{Y: 我}一个孩子出生 {Y: 我}在大卫城)
4. Yin Haiguang and Xia Daoping would write the commentaries (翻译:多半是殷海光、夏道平 多半是他们这两个人)
5. I mean, you know... maybe I don't wanna know, you know? (翻译:I mean, y - -you know...)
6. Let y have the value 33. (翻译:假设y的值为33。)
7. N You can even abbreviate and put Y or n. (翻译:甚至可以缩写y或。)
8. Let imagination light your way (翻译:y dd Let imagination light your wa)
9. Let's say I'm especially influenced by '60s music, but I like to mix it up with more modern stuff. (翻译:{Y: I}从20世纪xx年代的灵感 {Y:)
10. Do you have any new suspects yet? (翻译:你甲肝é任何 新suspe CTS Y等?)
11. This type of fluid provides a useful hybrid of the volume based and SPH based fluid simulators. (翻译:这种流体类型提供了一个基于基液体体积和SPH模拟有用的混合体。)
12. Oh, you know, y-y-you're such a good guy. (翻译:哦,你知道, Y -Y - 你这样的好人。)
13. # Desde Nicaragua y Costa Rica # (翻译:# Desde Nicaragua y Costa Rica #)
14. ♪ Than to lay down his life for love (翻译:Than to la y down his life for love)
15. # Lo mexicano y columbiano # (翻译:# Lo mexicano y columbiano #)