rapid ageing是什么意思 rapid ageing的中文翻译、读音、例句

rapid ageing是什么意思 rapid ageing的中文翻译、读音、例句

rapid ageing在英语中代表"快速老化"的意思,作为名词时有"快速老化"的意思,在线读音是[rapidageing],rapid ageing是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到60个与rapid ageing相关的句子。

Rapid ageing的释义


例句:I mean, the rapid, rapid change that's happening is amazing. (我想说,我们现在正在经历的这种飞快的转变是很棒的 )


rapid ageing一般作为名词使用,如在rapid ageing process(快速老化过程)、ageing(材料自然或人为的 老化 变老 衰老,变老的 上了年纪的 到了使用寿命的,变老 使……苍老 成熟 的现在分词)、rapid(快速的 )等常见短语中出现较多。

rapid ageing process快速老化过程
ageing材料自然或人为的 老化 变老 衰老,变老的 上了年纪的 到了使用寿命的,变老 使……苍老 成熟 的现在分词
environmental ageing[环境] 环境老化
flour ageing[网络] 面粉陈化
hardness ageing[化] 硬度时效; 冷作时效; 机械时效
heat ageing热时效
heating ageing[化] 热老化
interrupted ageing断续时效


1. High blood pressure was also linked to a more rapid worsening of scores on mental tests, effectively ageing the brain by up to eight years. (翻译:高血压对于智力的伤害从心理测试的分数中便能看出,这种病症更够让我们的“大脑年龄”增长xx岁。)

2. A crowd of ageing generals have been cashiered; some are running for parliament as civilians. (翻译:一群年老的军官被革职,其中一些人以平民身份参加议员选举。)

3. Bats are not the only animals that live fast and defy the normal rules of ageing. (翻译:蝙蝠不是唯一一种活得急促 和可违反衰老定律的动物)

4. Following the rapid changes of the world. (翻译:随着国际形势的变化 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Following the rapid changes of the world.)

5. One of the main reasons seems to be that the ageing population is running down its investments. (翻译:其中一大原因可能是步入老年的人群正在逐步减少他们的投资。)

6. So what's the proof that this battering inside leads to the decay we know as ageing? (翻译:究竟有什么可证明内部这些损坏 会引致衰老,)

7. But for some Japanese companies the inverting of the traditional ageing pyramid provides commercial opportunities. (翻译:然而,对一些日本公司而言,传统老龄化金字塔结构的这一倒转提供了商机。)

8. Kriedler seemed to think that the mega-vitamin therapy is the answer to the question of ageing. (翻译:克德勒似乎认为维他命疗程 是老化问题的解套)

9. Now they have nothing: just an ageing Lothario clinging to power. (翻译:现在意大利人一无所获:只有一个日渐衰老并且紧握政权的好色之徒。)

10. Here, rogue elements cause most of the damage that we call ageing. (翻译:这里,有些劣种成份会大肆破坏 我们称之为老化)

11. Effect of Low Temperature Ageing in Water Vapor on Mechanical Properties of ZTA Ceramics (翻译:水汽中低温时效对ZTA陶瓷力学性能的影响)

12. Rapid, because we wanted them to be served by rapid-transport vehicles. (翻译:叫它们“快速”,因为我们希望它们 能够使用快速的交通工具,对吧? )

13. The only signs of ageing are the flecks of grey that speckle his dark hair. (翻译:他变老的惟一迹象是散布在黑发中的几缕银丝。)

14. The ageing pharaoh might as well try to blot out the sun with his finger. (翻译:日渐衰老的法老还不如试着用手指遮住太阳。)

15. John lives with his ageing mother. (翻译:约翰和他日渐衰老的母亲住在一起。)

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