reap laurels是什么意思 reap laurels的中文翻译、读音、例句

reap laurels是什么意思 reap laurels的中文翻译、读音、例句

reap laurels在中文中有"摘取桂冠、获得冠军"的意思,在日常中也代表"赢得声望"的意思,单词读音音标为[reaplaurels],reap laurels是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到22个与reap laurels相关的句子。

Reap laurels的释义


例句:I Shared her laurels. (我分享了她的桂冠。)


例句:Mr Cooper isn't resting on his laurels. (库帕先生并没有固步自封,不思进取。)


例句:You no longer need to wait for the hereafter to reap the benefits of the Christian faith. (你不再需要等到来世才能 收获基督教信仰的好处。)


reap laurels一般作为名词使用,如在reap one's laurels(博得名声;赢得声望;获得冠军(或荣誉))、reap(收割 )、laurels(n. 荣誉, 胜利, 名声)等常见短语中出现较多。

reap one's laurels博得名声;赢得声望;获得冠军(或荣誉)
laurelsn. 荣誉, 胜利, 名声
reap gapeseed[英国方言];制定不切合实际的计划;要实现不可能实现的目标;在市场上呆看
reap hook[网络] 电缆槽;稼穑
reap hooksn. 弯月刀;镰刀
reap the benefits[网络] 获利;获得好处;者获得最大收益
reap the rewards收获成果\n获得奖励
reap the whirlwind遭到应得的报应


1. You no longer need to wait for the hereafter to reap the benefits of the Christian faith. (翻译:你不再需要等到来世才能 收获基督教信仰的好处。)

2. Still, Bruno was fully aware that he would not be able to rest on his laurels. (翻译:不过,布鲁诺清楚地知道,他不能停留在自己的桂冠上而不思进取。)

3. You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter. (翻译:你很快就会获得身体更健康带来的好处。)

4. Vulnerable populations often reap the greatest benefits from CCTs. (翻译:通常,弱势群体从有条件现金援助项目获益最大。)

5. Aswe now sow, we shall then reap. (翻译:我们现在播种,到时候定有收获。)

6. You don't slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers and reap all the rewards. (翻译:绝对不能让你这么容易就掺和进来 抢走所有的功劳)

7. We don't rest on our laurels or celebrate lives we've saved in the past. (翻译:你应该比别人更理解我 你写了本关于放弃逃避和躲避的书 你写了很多书 Meredith)

8. But she's not content to rest on her laurels, continuing to work tirelessly to promote the cause of women and gender equality in sports. (翻译:但是她却不仅仅满足于她在比赛中所获得的荣誉,而是孜孜不倦地为推进运动场上的女性权益以及性别公平进程努力。)

9. Carved figurine of an Upsara, on the walls of the Ankor Wat temple in Siam Reap, Cambodia. (翻译:柬埔寨暹粒吴哥窟寺庙墙上的雕刻塑像。)

10. And when through your warlike deeds, you're covered with laurels, remember the hand that pinned these colors on you. (翻译:在结束战争后, 你会被授予荣誉 记住我曾经拉住你的手)

11. He has his work moved from Phnom Phen to Siem Reap for tourists to use. (翻译:他有他的工作从金边phen 暹粒游客使用。)

12. She was once an excellent student, but now she sits on her laurels and has no desire to improve herself. (翻译:她曾经是个优秀的学生,但现在她却坐享其成而完全不求上进。)

13. In Siem Reap, there are a few different little fish spas on the main tourist street. (翻译:在暹粒的主要旅游街道上,有一些不太一样的鱼疗馆。)

14. Machines that reap and thresh in one operation. (翻译:同时完成收割和脱粒的机器。)

15. They can bring value to the community, and reap rewards forit. (翻译:他们能为社会带来价值,并可因此收获荣誉。)

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