reconnaissance sonar是什么意思 reconnaissance sonar的中文翻译、读音、例句

reconnaissance sonar是什么意思 reconnaissance sonar的中文翻译、读音、例句

reconnaissance sonar的中文解释是"侦察声纳",其次还有"侦察声纳"的意思,在线读音是[reconnaissancesonar],reconnaissance sonar常被用作名词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到38个与reconnaissance sonar相关的例句。

Reconnaissance sonar的翻译


例句:The reconnaissance report on the enemy base is coming. (侦查兵报告敌军来袭 The reconnaissance report on the enemy base is coming.)


reconnaissance sonar一般作为名词使用,如在reconnaissance(侦察 )、digital sonar([声] 数字声呐)、dipping sonar(投吊式声纳)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital sonar[声] 数字声呐
dipping sonar投吊式声纳
Doppler sonar多普勒声纳
dunking sonar投吊式声纳
fixed sonar定位声纳
helicopter sonar直升机声纳
hull sonar舰壳声纳
hydrographic sonar水文地理声纳


1. The reconnaissance bay is lowed during imagery reconnaissance mission and retracted into the fuselage during high-speed flight. (翻译:侦察舱在图像侦察任务时降下而在高速飞行期间缩回进机身之内。)

2. I jumped in a ditch today at the sight of an unarmed reconnaissance plane. (翻译:我今天被一架 没有武装的侦察机 吓的半死!)

3. The best sonar that man has is a toy compared to the dolphins' sonar. (翻译:人类最先进的声纳 若是与海豚的相比,都是小巫见大巫)

4. Conn/Sonar: Second torpedo in the water bearing 242! (翻译:控制室 这里是声纳室 水中有第二枚鱼雷 方位242)

5. And you need to record bat sonar, and fast. (翻译:and fast. 蝙蝠声纳,对,什么?)

6. Refraction is often applied as a reconnaissance tool in newly explored areas. (翻译:折射波法在新的勘探地区,通常都作为一种普查手段。)

7. - Sonar/TSO: Is that sound still out there? (翻译:- 声纳室 这里是战略系统官 那声音还在吗?)

8. He was the sonar engineer working for the Navy. (翻译:他是一位效力于海军的 声纳定位工程师。)

9. On this particular dive,our sonar locked on to something big (翻译:在这次潜水中 我们的声波定位器发现很大的东西)

10. The avalanche vests, sonar receivers...respirators. (翻译:撤盰琏场 羘钡Μ竟... ㊣旦...)

11. Conn/Sonar: Torpedo in the water bearing 241! (翻译:控制室 这里是声纳室 水中有鱼雷 方位241)

12. Time spent on reconnaissance is seldom wasted. (翻译:花在侦察上的时间是不会白费的。)

13. The squadron flew on a reconnaissance mission. (翻译:这支空军中队执行一项侦察任务。)

14. What is it like riding a bike using sonar? (翻译:使用声纳骑自行车是什么感觉? )

15. They're not listening to their sonar. (翻译:什么意思? What do you mean?)

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