redundant power supply是什么意思 redundant power supply的中文翻译、读音、例句

redundant power supply是什么意思 redundant power supply的中文翻译、读音、例句

redundant power supply的中文解释是"双备份电源",其中文解释还有"双备份电源"的意思,在线发音:[redundantpowersupply],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到50个与redundant power supply相关的句子。

Redundant power supply的翻译


例句:The Gadgeteer prototype consists of the mainboard, a power supply and a bluetooth module. (制造原型包括主板、电源和蓝牙模块。)


redundant power supply一般作为名词使用,如在Redundant power supply(双备份电源)、power supply(电源\n[计] 电源)、supply power([计] 电源)等常见短语中出现较多。

Redundant power supply双备份电源
power supply电源\n[计] 电源
supply power[计] 电源
the power supply[网络] 电源供电;整机电源
dual power supply电源[供电]
emergency power supply[计] 应急电源, 应急动力源
electromechanical power supply机电电源
excitation power supply激励电源
external power supply外部电源


1. No, the screamers are manufactured with a built-in 24-month power supply. (翻译:不 鬼鼠被生产为 内置24个月的电力供应)

2. For example the correspondence power supply equipments of the Chinese ambulation. (翻译:比如中国移动的通信电源设备。)

3. and a sense amplifier activated in response to supply of power supply voltages and configured to sense the data stored in the DRAM cell. (翻译:响应于电源电压的提供而被激活并被配置为感测所述DRAM单元中存储的数据的读出放大器;)

4. Emergency power supply from Alesia seems to be working. (翻译:来自Alesia号的应急电源看起来起作用了)

5. Work will also be needed on the power supply for the robot, since at the moment it must be tethered to the power supply. (翻译:关于机器蛇的电源供应,也还需要进行继续研究,因为目前机器蛇是被拴在电源上。)

6. That approach is exactly what the Pentagon is adopting for its own power supply. (翻译:这就是五角大楼控制 它自己内部控电的方法 )

7. Control prototype of corrector power supply in the storage rings of BEPC (翻译:北京正负电子对撞机校正磁铁电源样机控制系统)

8. Remove redundant parentheses. (翻译:除去冗余括号。)

9. Research on MVC Design Pattern in Jiangxi Power Supply Company Compo System (翻译:MVC设计模式在江西省电力公司工伤保险系统中的应用与研究)

10. There is power power wonder-working power (翻译:力量啊 多么神奇的力量 There js power, power Wonderful power)

11. That's enough power to supply 30 cities the size of Detroit. (翻译:能量足以供给30个... 像底特律般大的城市使用)

12. A useful attempt is made in this thesis to digitalize the production and operation of power supply enterprises. (翻译:为供电企业实现生产、运行数字化进行了有益尝试。)

13. Which means that you supply the money to bring the building back up to code. (翻译:Which means that you supply 那意味着你输了)

14. Your task is to shut down the power supply... before Shua releases the core (翻译:你们的任务是在Shua释放核心之前, 关闭能量供给,)

15. Finally, an example of a power supply failure was used to demonstrate SNMP alerting. (翻译:最后,通过电源故障的例子来演示SNMP警报。)

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