reentrant superconductivity的意思是"重入超导",还经常被翻译为重入超导,读音为[reentrantsuperconductivity],reentrant superconductivity常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到12个与reentrant superconductivity相关的例句。
Reentrant superconductivity的中文翻译
例句:They knew it had something to do with electron behavior during the so-called pseudogap phase, a temp range where superconductivity breaks down. (他们认为这可能与在所谓的赝能隙相位期间的电子活动有关,而室温处在这段超导电性受到破坏的温度范围内。)
reentrant superconductivity一般作为名词使用,如在superconductivity(超导性 )、reentrant(再次进入的 )、not reentrant([计] 不可重入的)等常见短语中出现较多。
superconductivity | 超导性 |
reentrant | 再次进入的 |
not reentrant | [计] 不可重入的 |
Froehlich superconductivity | [低温] 弗勒利希超导性 |
gapless superconductivity | 无能隙超导电性 |
superconductivity bolometer | 超导电测辐射热器 |
superconductivity ceramics | [化] 超导陶瓷 |
superconductivity computer | [计] 超导计算机 |
superconductivity film | 超导薄膜 |
1. Note that this follows a standard convention for the naming of reentrant function by suffixing the function name with "_r" . (翻译:注意,这里遵循了标准惯例,通过向函数名添加“_r”后缀来命名可重入函数。)
2. Physicists today are still hunting for an explanation of superconductivity, which seems to contradict some of our basic ideas about nature. (翻译:物理学家们仍在研究超导电性的解释,这种似乎与我们某些有关的自然机本观念相矛盾的。)
3. Leggett(USA). Both superconductivity and superfluidity occur at very low temperatures. (翻译:超导性和超流动性是极端低温状态下产生的两种现象。)
4. Because such devices do not employ the fragility of superconductivity, further discussion of them lies beyond the scope of this article. (翻译:不过这类装置并非运用超导性的脆弱特性,因此进一步的相关讨论已经超出本文范围。)
5. Well, first there are strands of magnetic field left inside, but now the superconductor doesn't like them moving around, because their movements dissipate energy, which breaks the superconductivity state. (翻译:首先呢,有几束磁场束会留在超导体里面, 但现在超导体不喜欢让它们在周围移动, 因为它们的运动会消耗能量, 这样会破坏超导体状态。)
6. Molecules Into Materials: Case Studies In Materials Chemistry - Mixed Valency, Magnetism And Superconductivity (翻译:材料分子:材料化学的案例研究–混合价、磁性及超导性)
7. Competitive atrium capture during cristal tachycardia coexisting with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (翻译:界嵴心动过速与房室结折返性心动过速并存时心房激动的竞争夺获现象)
8. Well, first there are strands of magnetic field left inside, but now the superconductor doesn't like them moving around, because their movements dissipate energy, which breaks the superconductivity state. (翻译:首先呢,有几束磁场束会留在超导体里面, 但现在超导体不喜欢让它们在周围移动, 因为它们的运动会消耗能量, 这样会破坏超导体状态。)
9. Now, if you want to explain high-temperature superconductivity and you believe the pseudogap is a precursor, you need to explain both. (翻译:如果你想解释高温超导,并且把赝隙看作是前兆,那么这两者都要解释。)
10. The cuprate oxides with high-temperature superconductivity have attracted much renewed attention in condensed matter physics due to the discovery of superconductivity in cuprate oxides in 1986. (翻译:高温超导电性自xx年在铜氧化物中被发现以来,迅速成为凝聚态物理研究的热点。)
11. John Bardeen was also co- developer of the theory of superconductivity. (翻译:约翰·巴丁也是超导电性理论的创立者之一。)
12. Non-reentrant functions and static variables. (翻译:不可重入函数和静态变量。)
13. Must not call non-reentrant functions? (翻译:绝对不调用不可重入的函数。)
14. The Characteristics of Intracardiac Electrocardiography in Atrioventricular Nodal Reentrant Tachycardia Complicated by Bundle Branch Block. (翻译:房室结折返性心动过速合并束支阻滞时心内电图特征。)
15. Also the elementary theory and the application of anyon in Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and High Temperature Superconductivity are discussed in detail. (翻译:特别详细地讨论了任意子理论在分数量子霍尔效应和高温超导电现象中的应用。)