refined botulism antitoxin是什么意思 refined botulism antitoxin的中文翻译、

refined botulism antitoxin是什么意思 refined botulism antitoxin的中文翻译、

refined botulism antitoxin在英语中代表"精制肉毒抗毒素"的意思,还经常被翻译为精制肉毒抗毒素,读音为[refinedbotulismantitoxin],refined botulism antitoxin来源于英语,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到38个与refined botulism antitoxin相关的句子。

Refined botulism antitoxin的词典翻译


例句:Refined copper and copper alloys, unwrought. (未锻轧的精炼铜及铜合金。)


refined botulism antitoxin一般作为名词使用,如在refined diphtheria antitoxin(精制白喉抗毒素)、refined tetanus antitoxin(精制破伤风抗毒素)、botulism(肉毒中毒 )等常见短语中出现较多。

refined diphtheria antitoxin精制白喉抗毒素
refined tetanus antitoxin精制破伤风抗毒素
infant botulism婴儿肉毒杆菌症
wound botulism创伤肉毒杆菌症
refineda. 精炼的, 优雅的, 精细的\n[医] 精制过的, 精练过的
diphtheria antitoxin[医] 白喉抗毒素
dysentery antitoxin[医] 痢疾抗毒素


1. The dry refined SJP got is 0.15%. (翻译:精制多糖干品的得率为冻煮刺参重的0.15%。)

2. Described them as very refined. (翻译:用他的话,他们举止优雅 对人类的生命毫无敬意)

3. And the killer - a fast-acting, naturally occurring deadly disease. (翻译:肉毒症 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Botulism.)

4. And the other quarter is gonna be another white, refined carbohydrate. (翻译:,剩下的四分之一是要去 另一个白色, 精制碳水化合物。)

5. A woman is either highly trained or highly refined. (翻译:一个女人要么素养极高 要么优雅至极 A woman is either highly trained or highly refined.)

6. Diphtheria is treated with an antitoxin that neutralizes the toxin and produces long-term immunity. (翻译:治疗方式为及时注射白喉抗毒素,产生长期的免疫力。)

7. Did you know that refined sugar can severely impact ones cognitive functioning? (翻译:你知道精制糖 Did you know that refined sugar 能严重影响一个人的认知官能吗? can severely impact ones cognitive functioning?)

8. By this age the brain controls very refined perceptual abilities. (翻译:到这个年龄时,大脑拥有非常精细的知觉能力。)

9. The interior of PASSAT New Lingyu is more refined and delicate. (翻译:PASSAT新领驭内部做工更加的精致考究、质感强烈。)

10. After this consultative process, a refined Plan was then put into practice. (翻译:在此沟通和交流过程后,一个精炼的计划就会付诸实施。)

11. And the sign of a refined mind. (翻译:也是有教养的头脑的标志 And the sign of a refined mind.)

12. The domestic report botulism causes to breathe the myoparalysis case of illness to be less. (翻译:国内报道肉毒中毒导致呼吸肌麻痹的病例较少。)

13. The sugared vinegar is refined from the sugarcane and pine. (翻译:加糖的醋是从甘蔗和松木中精炼出来的. )

14. A refined, glamorous woman in oversized, chunky gold jewelry. (翻译:一个优雅、迷人的女人, 戴着超大号、厚实的黄金首饰。)

15. By this age the brain controls very refined perceptual abilities. (翻译:到这个年龄时,大脑拥有非常精细的知觉能力。)

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