regression estimated equation是什么意思 regression estimated equation

regression estimated equation是什么意思 regression estimated equation

regression estimated equation的中文解释是"回归估计方程",在英美地区还有"数"的意思,单词读音音标为[regressionestimatedequation],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到74个与regression estimated equation相关的例句。

Regression estimated equation的中文翻译


例句:The lacustrine regression caused by the falling of the relative lake-level in rift basin is called Forced lacustrine regression (FLR). (断陷湖盆中相对湖平面下降引起的湖退作用称之为强制湖退作用。)


例句:They see it as a recipe for narrowness, regression, and global poverty. (他们觉得这会导致狭隘, 倒退,以及全球性的贫困。)


regression estimated equation一般作为名词使用,如在equation of regression(回归方程)、regression equation([计] 回归方程\n[化] 回归方程)、estimated regression line([网络] 估计回归线;估计的回归线)等常见短语中出现较多。

equation of regression回归方程
regression equation[计] 回归方程\n[化] 回归方程
estimated regression line[网络] 估计回归线;估计的回归线
dynamic regression equation[数] 动态回归方程
linear regression equation直线回归方程
multiple regression equation多重回归方程
partial regression equation偏回归方程
regression prediction equation回归预报方程
estimateda. 估算的;估计的;预计的


1. The Schr? Dinger equation is a linear equation. (翻译:薛定谔方程是一个线性方程。)

2. - In transit with an estimated delivery-- (翻译:- 在运输与 预计delivery --)

3. Marculescu insisted the sport was "evolving" but in truth it is a regression. (翻译:虽然玛卡里斯库坚持认为这项运动在不断“发展”,但事实上这是一种倒退。)

4. And our regression test is Done. (翻译:我们的回归测试 已经完成 And our regression test is... 测试进行中 测试通过 搭建完成)

5. And I would ban linear regression. (翻译:我还会废掉线性回归。)

6. Capcom:... Estimated distance or size? (翻译:地面:……粗略距离和大小? )

7. This is called the Boltzmann equation. (翻译:它就是玻尔兹曼公式。)

8. Creating the regression model with weka. (翻译:用WEKA创建一个回归模型。)

9. During the Maastrichtian, a regression commences. (翻译:在马斯特里赫特时期,回归开始了。)

10. A good thing to have in an equation. (翻译:好消息是出现了制衡局面 A good thing to have in an equation.)

11. To prove with a single equation that time has a beginning. (翻译:用一个公式来证明 To prove with a single equation 时间是有起点的 that time has a beginning.)

12. - What is the quadratic equation? (翻译:-二元方程序是什么 -二元方程序是什么 - what is the quadratic equation?)

13. The coefficient equation of PR and SRK equation of states can be obtained according to the mixing rules. (翻译:根据混合规则分别推导了关于PR和SRK方程的逸度系数表达式。)

14. This is the Schrodinger equation. (翻译:这就是薛定谔的方程序。)

15. The program use The FORTRAN77 language slover the root equation of a degree and equation of two degree, It is succeed that input string of equation, output the root equation. (翻译:FORTRAN77编制的求一元一次方程和一元二次方程的根,实现了输入方程字符串,输出方程的根。)

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