rejoicements是什么意思 rejoicements的中文翻译、读音、例句

rejoicements是什么意思 rejoicements的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:We sparked this rejoice, this righteous delight. (我们点亮了这般喜悦, 这充满正义感的快乐。)


例句:Or is your service not needed at the SSR? (Or is your service not needed at the S. S. R.)


1. But there's also wicked joy, you can rejoice in someone's suffering. (翻译:但也存在着病态的高兴--那就是幸灾乐祸。)

2. I would be glad to rejoice in thy mercy. (翻译:我将再次关荣的笼罩于您的慈悲之下 I would be glad to rejoice in thy mercy.)

3. The wilderness will rejoice... (翻译:沙漠也必快乐... The wilderness will rejoice...)

4. They take the timbrel, and the harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ. (翻译:他们伴着手鼓与竖琴歌唱,随着笛声欢呼。)

5. S. counterparts, and they lack the prest ige of the higher displace ment and the higher cylinder count of the five. (翻译:他们更有效率,更昂贵,制造了他们的美国同行,他们缺乏较高的位移信誉和较高的五缸数。)

6. As is it ment to. A spell of concealment lies upon this place. (翻译:但正如它的名字所展现的那样 用于隐藏的妖术笼罩在这块土地上空)

7. Rejoice, child, for you are about to be granted a rare privilege in the Inferno. (翻译:高兴起来吧,孩子 因为你即将获得地狱中罕见的特权)

8. We'll do our best to advance the ship - ment to September. (翻译:我们尽力把交货期提前到xx月份。)

9. Quietly I will enjoy peaceful exult rejoice. (翻译:静静地享受安全的欢腾。)

10. The problem of the air pollution in cities and towns must be dealt with if the environ ment is going to be preserved. (翻译:如果要保护环境,城镇空气污染问题必须处理。)

11. I still have reason to rejoice The way ahead is clear (翻译:我仍然有欢欣鼓舞的理由 因为前路一片坦途)

12. My father will rejoice to hear it. (翻译:我老爸听了不知会多高兴. My father will rejoice to hear it.)

13. He will ride the emperor's four to victory and we will all rejoice in it. (翻译:他会驾国王的四马战车得胜 我们都会为他高兴的)

14. IMC is the result of enterprise fitting in with environ-ment change, it emphasize consumer's vitals position. (翻译:整合营销传播是企业对环境变化适应的结果,它强调消费者的核心地位。)

15. And he ran into town in the marketplace, and he said, "Rejoice! Rejoice! (翻译:他跑进镇市场,嚷着说,“太好了,太好了, )

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