rembrandtesque是什么意思 rembrandtesque的中文翻译、读音、例句

rembrandtesque是什么意思 rembrandtesque的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:If other artists believed it was just a matter of time before the Dutch market recovered, my guess is that Rembrandt did not. (可能其他艺术家认为荷兰的经济恢复只是个时间问题,猜想伦勃朗不是这么想的。)


例句:Vice President Biden, at one point during this discussion, sort of exploded in Biden-esque fashion and blamed the Israelis. (副总统拜登 在讨论的某一时刻 爆发了,进入拜登式的状态)


例句:Masterpieces by Dutch artists such as Rembrandt, Bruegel, Van Gogh and others are on display at the Van Gogh Museum, Rembrandt House and others. (伦勃朗、勃鲁盖尔、梵高等荷兰艺术家的杰作在梵高博物馆、伦勃朗故居等地展出。)


例句:Rembrandt began to work as a professional portraitist about 1631. (翻译:伦勃朗成为一名职业画家的时间约是xx年。)


rembrandtesque一般作为名词使用,如在Rembrandtesque(a. (17世纪荷兰画家)伦勃朗风格[手法]的)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rembrandtesquea. (17世纪荷兰画家)伦勃朗风格[手法]的


1. Masterpieces by Dutch artists such as Rembrandt, Bruegel, Van Gogh and others are on display at the Van Gogh Museum, Rembrandt House and others. (翻译:伦勃朗、勃鲁盖尔、梵高等荷兰艺术家的杰作在梵高博物馆、伦勃朗故居等地展出。)

2. Rembrandt began to work as a professional portraitist about 1631. (翻译:伦勃朗成为一名职业画家的时间约是xx年。)

3. She said the moment "felt Beatle-esque." (翻译:她称那时”感觉像披头士”。)

4. But these love-as-verb stories are not as flashy or Hollywood-esque as the ones in which love falls from the sky. (翻译:但是这些把爱当成动词的故事往往没有好莱坞式的爱情从天而降的故事来的绚丽。)

5. Actually, you can compare it to what Rembrandt does. (翻译:我希望能够这样想 其实你可以把它与伦勃朗的作品相比)

6. Rembrandt began to work as a professional portraitist about 1631. (翻译:伦勃朗成为一名职业画家的时间约是xx年。)

7. A Rembrandt copy of a Mughal portrait of Shah Jahan inspired Lugt to find the original. (翻译:伦勃朗所作莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汉画像的复制品启发他寻找真迹。)

8. The Swedish police do not arrest the men right away. They want to catch them selling Wittman the stolen Rembrandt. (翻译:瑞典警方没有立刻抓捕他们,而是希望当盗贼将伦勃朗的画卖给惠特曼时,当场拘捕。)

9. Rembrandt used extracts of lead and poison oak oil to treat his canvases. (翻译:伦勃朗会在画布上 {\3cH202020}Rembrandt used extracts of lead 涂铅和毒葛油的提取物 {\3cH202020}and poison oak oil to treat his canvases.)

10. Like rich people giving junky old stuff to the Salvation Army only the junk turns out to be a Rembrandt. (翻译:就像富人们把没有价值的东西 捐献给救世军 只是废物变成了伦勃朗)

11. It almost sounded more Kennedy-esque than Australian. (翻译:听起来更像是肯尼迪演说语调 而不是澳洲口音)

12. You'll see work by Rembrandt, Rubens, Titian, Van Dyck, and Leonardo da Vinci. (翻译:在里面,你会看到伦勃朗、鲁本斯、提香、范戴克和达芬奇等艺术大师的作品。)

13. A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed. (翻译:在一间会议室里,林布兰的牧神雕像放在窗台上,谈交易就在这个房间。)

14. Rembrandt... ln the Hermitage... (翻译:荷兰画家林布兰画过... 被列宁格勒博物馆收藏)

15. Unsafe poking can lead to stalker-esque relationships, both in and out of Facebook. (翻译:危险的poke可以迷惑你,不论在facebook里面还是外面。)

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