例句:Whenever we fly, wherever we fly, we at transcontinental take time to ensure your safety, we've posted the no smoking sign... (. Whenever we fly, wherever we fly, we at Transcontinental...)
1. We carry through/ We carry through Do what we need to do (翻译:-We carry through -We carry through -不怕困难)
2. If we try, we can begin again (翻译:∮ If we try, we can begin again)
3. We danced the dance We danced the dance (翻译:-We danced the dance -We danced the dance)
4. Don't forget, we spent a year together. (翻译:we spent a year together. we did.)
5. Here we go, here we go Satellite radio (翻译:Here we go, here we go Satellite radio)
6. # Shall we dance, shall we dance, shall we dance? (翻译:∮ Shall we dance, shall we dance, shall we dance?)
7. We took a chance We took a chance (翻译:-We took a chance -We took a chance)
8. We can change them up if we need to? (翻译:We can change them up if we need to?)
9. We left Topeka We left Eureka (翻译:We left Topeka We left Eureka)
10. How about our world? Isn't this better than never seeing each other again? (翻译:why would we not be together if we can?)
11. Uh, we-we have another caller. (翻译:Uh, we -we have another caller.)
12. We came as quickly as we could. (翻译:You waited! We came as quickly as we could.)
13. We see something we want and we just dive in and we take it. (翻译:我们看到想要的东西 就全力以赴 We see something we want and we just dive in 然后拿下它 and we take it.)
14. The Reo-3 virions composed of dense core and two layered capsids aggeregate to crystalline arrangement. (翻译:病毒粒子由致密的核心和包围着核心的双层衣壳组成,有的为空心衣壳,多呈晶格状排列; )
15. Right away, we go back in and we, we clear this up. (翻译:Right away, we go back in and we, we clear this up.)