repetitive stress通常被翻译为"机"的意思,还有反复应力的意思,发音是[repetitivestress],repetitive stress来源于英语,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到24个与repetitive stress相关的句子。
Repetitive stress的中文翻译
例句:- Stress on the hyperdrive. (stress on the hyperdrive. - Stress on the hyperdrive.)
例句:Today, 75 percent of us work in offices and do repetitive things. (今天,我们75%的人 在办公室里工作, 仍然做重复的事。)
repetitive stress一般作为名词使用,如在repetitive stress injury(重复受压伤害)、repetitive(重复的 )、repetitive accuracy(重复准确度)等常见短语中出现较多。
repetitive stress injury | 重复受压伤害 |
repetitive | 重复的 |
repetitive accuracy | 重复准确度 |
repetitive addition | [计] 重复加 |
repetitive addressing | [计] 重复寻址 |
repetitive burst | 重复爆发 |
repetitive check | 反复核对 |
repetitive compound | 重复复合词 |
repetitive computation | 重复[叠代]计算 |
1. The flat, pastel pictures add enlivening details to the repetitive text. (翻译:平坦的,柔和的图片添加搞活细节的重复文本。)
2. These tasks were repetitive, lengthy and lacking any intrinsic interest. (翻译:这些作业重复冗长,没有什么意义。)
3. She does not snore she is nasally repetitive. (翻译:她没有打鼾,只是鼻道性的重复。)
4. That and the stress led to self-doubt. (翻译:不适和压力让他对自己产生了怀疑 That and the stress led to self -doubt.)
5. You know that lying causes stress, right? (翻译:你知道吗? 撒谎会导致压力剧增 You know that lying causes stress, right?)
6. They're very repetitive, and they're very rich in the amino acids glycine and alanine. (翻译:它们颇具重复性且内含丰富的 氨基酸,甘氨酸和丙氨酸)
7. Or your heart explodes due to stress (翻译:要不然当街暴毙而亡 Or your heart explodes due to stress)
8. I need to avoid all stress, Cerys. (翻译:I need to avoid all stress, Cerys.)
9. You know I rely on humor in times of stress. (翻译:你知道我的 You know I rely 一紧张就想讲笑话 on humor in times of stress.)
10. Did you fail to put it in the corrective action program? Is it a repetitive finding? Is it wilful? (翻译:你没有将它置于更正措施项目当中吗,那是一个重复的发现吗,那是任意的吗?)
11. He vacillates from agile, amiable, and arch to repetitive and awkward. (翻译:他摇摆不定的敏捷,和蔼可亲,并拱重复和尴尬。)
12. We've become dermatologists doing repetitive things, lawyers doing repetitive things. (翻译:我们已经变成了 皮肤科医生在做重复的工作, 律师也在做重复的工作。)
13. No, no, no, it's for stress, 'cause you stress me so much. (翻译:不... 缓解压力的 因为你给我太多压力了)
14. But in retrospect, the destruction of my self was so repetitive that I started to see a pattern. (翻译:但当我回想过去 对于自我的毁灭反复出现 我开始看出一些规律)
15. I find the guys stuff gets boring and repetitive. (翻译:我发现那些男人们做出来的东西 无聊又没创意)