report of clearance是什么意思 report of clearance的中文翻译、读音、例句

report of clearance是什么意思 report of clearance的中文翻译、读音、例句

report of clearance的意思是"出口报告书",还有出口报告书的意思,在线发音:[reportofclearance],report of clearance常被用作名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到18个与report of clearance相关的例句。

Report of clearance的翻译


例句:Transmitting clearance code now. (正在发送许可代码 Transmitting clearance code now.)


report of clearance一般作为名词使用,如在clearance(①清除②许可 )、no report(报告)、on report(遭受处分)等常见短语中出现较多。

no report报告
on report遭受处分
report for给…当记者
report in[网络] 报告情况;请报告情况;报告你的情况
report of报告…的情况
report on报道…,作有关…的报道
report to到…报到,到…去(见某人); 向…汇报[报告]
die clearance模间隙


1. I beg you, can not report to the police (翻译:can not report to the police)

2. I will get the report tomorrow! (翻译:明天才有报告 I will get the report tomorrow!)

3. Don't move, you a move I report to the police (翻译:you a move I report to the police)

4. Quite good, if we report to the police (翻译:if we report to the police)

5. All pads report in immediately. (翻译:All pads report in immediately.)

6. Tumen have clearance, Tulipa clearance, tree and other important points related sites. (翻译:有土门关、老鸦关、槐树关等重要关口遗址。)

7. Did she report it to the police? (翻译:她有没有报警 Did she report it to the police?)

8. We use the American report instead. (翻译:We use the American report instead.)

9. According to that report... (翻译:根据这份报告 According to that report...)

10. Lufthansa 723, you have no clearance. (翻译:汉莎723 你没有飞行许可 Lufthansa 723, you have no clearance.)

11. That is what the report says. (翻译:That is what the report says.)

12. Yeah, report says his name is Max Brenner. (翻译:report says his name is Max Brenner.)

13. The radial clearance is the total clearance between the raceway and the rolling elements - measured normal to the bearing axis . (翻译:的径向间隙是彻底清除之间的沟道和滚动要素-测量正常的轴承轴。)

14. All stand by orderlies report immediately. (翻译:Security. All stand by orderlies report immediately.)

15. In my eyes, we report to the police go to (翻译:we report to the police go to)

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