例句:Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets. (被压抑的攻击性冲动需要发泄。)
Reppentjakko | 雷彭山 |
1. A, J, K, F, 4, 5, Z, M, J, 8, 6, I, L, N, M, 3, H (翻译:A,J,K,F,4,5,Z,M,J,8, 6,I,L,N,M,3,H)
2. Just... you-you don't want your kids to grow up with-with no parents. (翻译:过来 O·J 求求你 Come on, o. J. , please.)
3. Releasee your pent-up emotion. (翻译:你得让被压抑的感情发泄出来。)
4. Subtitles by J Ronch Ringwalt (翻译:时间轴: J Ronch Ringwalt 翻译帮助: J Ronch Ringwalt)
5. You wanna protect your prison rep? (翻译:you know? 你想保持在监狱里的声誉 {\3cH202020}You wanna protect your prison rep? 还是想离开这儿?)
6. Thetas, Thetas, we rep the Thetas. (翻译:希塔,希塔,我们代表希塔 希塔,希塔,我们代表希塔)
7. O.J., these things happen. (翻译:O·J 这样的事情是常有的 O. J. , these things happen.)
8. (pOSTMAN) When I was in the Rep, Larry said to me, (翻译:我在伊斯特本剧院的时候 有一次Larry问我)
9. O.J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat (翻译:O·J·辛普森正坐在车后座 O. J. Simpson is sitting in the backseat)
10. At London I am pent up in frowzy lodgings, where there is no room to swing a cat. (翻译:在伦敦,我闷守在肮脏的住所里,那地方窄得没地方转身。)
11. - All right, see you later, J. (翻译:- 好 回见 J - 晚安 比利 - All right, see you later, J.)
12. They ain't got no other footage of me? (翻译:O·J·辛普森带上手铐 O. J. Simpson in cuffs...)
13. I'm Sam Garity, union rep here. (翻译:ㄖр眀衡Siskel? и琌Sam Garity 硂柑穦)
14. When I have pent-up anger, what I use is boxing... (翻译:-up anger, what I use is boxing... 我想和你们联系的时候 When I want to hear from you)
15. I appreciate you putting in a good word for me but J.J.'s not back from London. (翻译:и稰谅倒и弧硂ㄇ杠 琌J. J.)