repressed memory的中文解释是"被压抑的记忆",还经常被翻译为被压抑的记忆,在线发音:[repressedmemory],repressed memory常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到78个与repressed memory相关的例句。
Repressed memory的翻译
例句:No loss of memory or speech disability. (No loss of memory or speech disability.)
repressed memory一般作为名词使用,如在repressed brick(压制的砖)、repressed drive(压抑内驱力)、repressed heterochromatin(受阻遏异染色质)等常见短语中出现较多。
repressed brick | 压制的砖 |
repressed drive | 压抑内驱力 |
repressed heterochromatin | 受阻遏异染色质 |
repressed inflation | [经] 受压制通货膨胀 |
memory | 记忆 |
in memory of | 纪念... |
no memory | [计] 无存储器 |
with memory | 带记忆 |
digital memory | 数字存储器 |
1. ♪ in the memory you overflow ♪ (翻译:铀? in the memory you overflow 铀? /i)
2. art,film,life,memory,video (翻译:art,film,life,memory,video)
3. Bertha repressed her gaiety and began to eat. (翻译:伯莎抑止住逗乐的情绪,开始吃饭。)
4. It is anger that is repressed that leads to violence and loss of control. (翻译:正是被抑制的愤怒导致暴力和失控。)
5. I will not let you eulogize a memory of you and me. (翻译:I will not let you eulogize a memory of you and me.)
6. arts,creativity,design,memory,storytelling (翻译:arts,creativity,design,memory,storytelling)
7. Hey. To the memory of my fa. (翻译:为了纪念我的父亲 To the memory of my fa.)
8. Tbh there is a lot more at the bottom of the ladder, but they are suitable repressed at the moment. (翻译:处于社会底层的人有很多,但他们现在似乎已适应了被压制的状态。)
9. The spirit latches on to the reverend's repressed emotions, feeds off them. (翻译:是的 鬼魂潜伏在 牧师压抑的情绪中 并依靠它而生存)
10. This is because odors are repressed in a fair high pressure center. (翻译:这是因为气味在一定的高压中心中被抑制住了。)
11. You see, no one in our community has any memory of the past. (翻译:no one in our community has any memory of the past.)
12. "When the Order was repressed..." "the Templars were slain..." (翻译:在宗教审判横行时代 一对兄弟在这里被执行火刑)
13. You have an eidetic memory. (翻译:你过目不忘 You have an eidetic memory.)
14. Take a trip down memory lane? (翻译:逛逛回忆路 Take a trip down memory lane?)
15. No, Memory Lane is where I got kidnapped. (翻译:Memory Lane is where I got kidnapped. 哦 Oh.)