reprehensibleness是什么意思 reprehensibleness的中文翻译、读音、例句

reprehensibleness是什么意思 reprehensibleness的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of Loch Ness in Scotland. (据说在苏格兰尼斯湖中的巨大象蛇或蛇颈龙的水生怪物。)


1. There's nothing big enough to pull down a person unless it was the Loch Ness monster. (翻译:那甚至没有大到能拖人下水的生物 除非是尼斯湖水怪)

2. Large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of loch ness in Scotland. (翻译:据说在苏格兰尼斯湖中的巨大象蛇或蛇颈龙的水生怪物。)

3. Johnny Boz's psychiatrist has an office on Van Ness. (翻译:Johnny Boz的心理医生在凡内士有个办公室)

4. Or maybe Ming, to keep him wired into his Chinese-ness. (翻译:或者叫明 保留他的中华血统 Or maybe Ming, to keep him wired into his Chinese -ness.)

5. Mr. Cramer said the violence by anti-government protestors was reprehensible. (翻译:克拉默先生说反政府示威者们的暴力行为应受到谴责。)

6. It has been six years since the brutal and reprehensible murders of Hope Percy and Walter Delacroix. (翻译:珀西和德拉克这宗血腥 和令人发指的凶案 距今已有xx年)

7. Because of your reprehensible actions, my late partner, the brave officer George Scotman died... (翻译:因为你们的恶劣行径 我的搭档 - 英勇的George Scotman警官死了 - 你就是他的小白鼠)

8. On the film set, in front of the media, Ady apologised to Van Ness. (翻译:在拍摄现场﹐众多传媒记者面前﹐安以轩跟吴建豪道歉。)

9. In more conventional organisations a veneer of grown-up ness is usually necessary to advancement. (翻译:在更传统的组织中,要想得到提升,一种成年的表象通常很必要。)

10. In information theory, the average information content-a measure of nonrandom ness in a signal. (翻译:在信息论中,信息容量的平均数——信号非随机性的量度。)

11. The pleasures of idle ness soon cloy. (翻译:无所事事的享乐很快就使人厌烦了。)

12. Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to "admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action" . (翻译:李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。)

13. How do you enhance the sensitivity of people to Indian-ness. (翻译:所以,要如何构建信仰呢?要如何增强员工对印度特性的敏感度呢?)

14. From this, one's unmindful ness of the way can be known. (翻译:从这一点出发,个人的漫不经心性的方式,可以被称为。)

15. I stopped noticing India's newness, oldness and juxtapositioned-ness. (翻译:我不再留意印度的新鲜,古老以及井然有序。)

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