representative pattern的中文解释是"制图学典型样图",还经常被翻译为制图学典型样图,读音为[representativepattern],representative pattern在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到24个与representative pattern相关的例句。
Representative pattern的词典翻译
例句:The representative of our naval attache here. (﹁║, и单ㄓ 磨, 硂ㄠㄓ 硂琌и硂 瓁?﹛)
representative pattern一般作为名词使用,如在representative of([网络] 代表……的;有…代表性的;典型的)、the representative([网络] 代表;代表性个体;始终代表)、pattern on pattern(重叠式花纹)等常见短语中出现较多。
representative of | [网络] 代表……的;有…代表性的;典型的 |
the representative | [网络] 代表;代表性个体;始终代表 |
pattern on pattern | 重叠式花纹 |
pattern | ①模式②图案 |
pattern on | 效仿 |
pattern with | 以…图案装饰 |
diplomatic representative | 外交代表 |
employee representative | [网络] 员工代表 |
elected representative | [法] 当选代表 |
1. Making sure the fabric folds nicely (翻译:cutting out the pattern snip by snip)
2. sort of a pattern for her. (翻译:sort of a pattern for her.)
3. A record of the flight pattern seems to be down. (翻译:好像都运行不了 a record of the flight pattern seems to be down.)
4. However, some trace of the memory still exists as a pattern of neural connections deep in the hippocampus. (翻译:以神经互联的形式 as a pattern of neural connections 留在大脑的海马体深处 deep in the hippocampus.)
5. So you think this is a pattern (翻译:你觉得是菲奥娜干的 So you think this is a pattern)
6. However, the pattern cost can be high due to the expendable nature of the pattern. (翻译:然而由于型模的消耗特性,型模成本可能较高。)
7. Detergex dissolved the blood on Officer Insko's shirt, leaving a GSR pattern. (翻译:leaving a GSR pattern.)
8. So, of course, the individual organisms see nothing of the overall pattern. (翻译:当然 一个有机体 So, of course, the individual organisms 不可能看到 see nothing of the overall pattern.)
9. Anybody can learn a pattern. (翻译:Anybody can learn a pattern.)
10. The preferred data source pattern is a microflow pattern for service aggregation. (翻译:首选数据源模式是用于服务聚合的微流模式。)
11. Find a representative among yourself (翻译:你们现在选举代表出来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Find a representative among yourself)
12. But the Aboriginal people of Australia saw a pattern in the darkness running through the Milky Way. (翻译:但是澳洲土著 But the Aboriginal people of Australia 注意到了黑影的形状 saw a pattern in the darkness 贯穿银河 running through the Milky Way.)
13. Telling people I have a pattern is part of the pattern. (翻译:到处跟人家说我的一贯风格 就是我的一贯风格)
14. Finally, the Representative of Benin supported the statement made by the Representative of Nigeria on behalf of the African Group. (翻译:最后,这位贝宁代表对尼日利亚代表代表非洲集团的发言表示支持。)
15. The first two ideas on that list create a pattern, and that pattern creates expectation. (翻译:这两个陈述就为这个系列 提供了一个模式, 这个模式就能让人产生期待。)