reproducibility of readings在英语中代表"读值重现性"的意思,其次还有"读值重现性"的意思,在线读音是[reproducibilityofreadings],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到21个与reproducibility of readings相关的句子。
Reproducibility of readings的翻译
例句:If you have a permanent internet connection, the lectionary readings will update automatically; (如果你有一个永久的互联网连接,lectionary读会自动更新;)
reproducibility of readings一般作为名词使用,如在readings(n. 读物;文本;朗读(reading的复数))、reproducibility([计] 再现情, 笪复情\n[化] 实验室间重复性; 再现性)、first readings(na. (议会审议议案时的)正式初读)等常见短语中出现较多。
readings | n. 读物;文本;朗读(reading的复数) |
reproducibility | [计] 再现情, 笪复情\n[化] 实验室间重复性; 再现性 |
first readings | na. (议会审议议案时的)正式初读 |
instrument readings | 仪器读数 |
make readings | 取读数 |
meter readings | 计数读数;[仪] 仪表读数,计数器读数 |
palm readings | 掌相术 |
play readings | [网络] 剧本读演活动;剧本围读;围读\n(play reading 的复数) |
second readings | (对议案等的)第二次阅读(尤指辩论及修正) |
1. But there's still no substitute for two or three close readings of The Sun Also Rises. (翻译:也许吧 但这并不能取代... ...把《太阳照常升起》精读两三遍的效果)
2. Mary Katherine, you're not gonna believe these readings... they are off the charts! (翻译:Mary Karherine! Mary Karherine! 你肯定不相信那些老鼠 {\1cH00FFFF}{\3cH202020}Mary Katherine!)
3. A minute and precise pattern is stably formed with good reproducibility by stabilizing the state of the liquid composition coating. (翻译:通过稳定液体组合物涂布的状态,可以以很好的重复性稳定地形成微细且精密的图案。)
4. If these readings are correct, this virus could wipe out all of New York. (翻译:如果资料无误的话 If these readings are correct, 这种病毒可以毁掉纽约 this virus could wipe out all of New York.)
5. I will remove this line from future dipstick readings. (翻译:我会在后续的dipstick读取中移除该行。)
6. Final gas-chromatograph readings will be coming in in a minute or two. (翻译:最终气体色谱仪的读数 将在未来的一到两分钟。)
7. The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports of the Tesseract. (翻译:伽马读数和席尔维格... 对魔方的报告是一致的)
8. Meter readings are taken every three months. (翻译:每三个月查一次表。)
9. The match chronograph readings must be verified each day in the following manner. (翻译:赛会测速器的读数必须每天经由以下的方法来做验证。)
10. When your blood pressure is measured, there are two readings — systolic and diastolic. (翻译:当测量血压时,要读两个数据——心脏收缩压和心脏舒张压。)
11. There's the need for extremely reliable sensors that can detect mixtures of volatile organic compounds with sufficient reproducibility. (翻译:我们需要非常可靠的感应器, 可靠到以足够的再现性 检测到挥发性有机混合气体。)
12. Aneroid readings must be adjusted for temperature and humidity. (翻译:空盒气压计读数亦须作温度改正和湿度改正。)
13. Reproducibility of Heidelberg retinal tomograph measuring the macular retinal thickness (翻译:海德堡视网膜断层扫描仪测量黄斑厚度的可重复性研究)
14. His dreamings and readings worked certain changes in him, by-and-by. (翻译:渐渐地,他的梦想和阅读使他发生了某些变化。)
15. Our girls will serve refreshments, do the dishes... and entertain with songs and readings. (翻译:我们的姑娘们要上点心 洗盘子... 唱歌念书让老人开心)