representatively是什么意思 representatively的中文翻译、读音、例句

representatively是什么意思 representatively的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:We interviewed an anonymous representative of TWAATS, - (几天前,我们采访了一个动物 保护成员,来自诺德特)


1. But many foods contain genetical ly modified soy lecithin corn syrup and other products. (翻译:但是也有许多的食物包含有基因工程改良的大豆卵磷脂,玉米糖浆和其他的产品。)

2. Find a representative among yourself (翻译:你们现在选举代表出来 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Find a representative among yourself)

3. I want you to be our representative (翻译:我们正要选你做代表 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}You want to go? I want you to be our representative)

4. He slapped a French representative? (翻译:巴黎以利沙宫殿 - 先后隶属法国的代表?)

5. Representative jules blatt (翻译:是谁叫你来的? Ah. Well, who did that?)

6. You might have already heard Ly's legends at Mio. (翻译:大家可能都听说过 李仪龙在美奥时侯的传奇故事)

7. They fought heroical ly until they were finally captured. (翻译:他们英勇战斗直到最后被俘。)

8. Republican Representative Lamar Smith disagrees. (翻译:共和党众议员拉马尔.史密斯不赞同这种看法。)

9. Representative jules blatt. (翻译:是Jules Blatt议员 Representative Jules Blatt.)

10. Finally, the Representative of Benin supported the statement made by the Representative of Nigeria on behalf of the African Group. (翻译:最后,这位贝宁代表对尼日利亚代表代表非洲集团的发言表示支持。)

11. "Four search companies have approached us over the past eight weeks, " Bit. ly's Borthwick tells us. (翻译:ly的Borthwick告诉我们说:“在过去八个星期当中,已经有四家公司跟我们联系过。”)

12. Representative Fukushima came all the way from Tokyo (翻译:国会议员福岛先生 Representative Fukushima 特地从东京来这里 came all the way from Tokyo)

13. Design jsa social-ly conscous activity. (翻译:设计是项关注社会的行为。)

14. This is Tam Ly our resident Tsunami expert. Sent by the Gods. (翻译:她叫李态美,是上天派来的 她是我校的常驻海啸专家)

15. He was the Queen's representative at the ceremony. (翻译:他代表女王出席了庆典。)

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