reptans是什么意思 reptans的中文翻译、读音、例句

reptans是什么意思 reptans的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:So, whichever rep has the best sales for the quarter gets a trip for two to Hawaii. (季度销售冠军可以 So, whichever rep has the best sales for the quarter 获得夏威夷双人游 gets a trip for two to Hawaii.)


例句:He was the Caribbean rep for a small armaments firm. (他是替一家军火公司 做加勒比海地区的推销员)


例句:You sure we got to do all this work for me to be a sales rep? (你确定我们需要做的这一切工作 对我来说 成为一名销售人员?)


例句:NS-Two, please advise on your sit rep, over. (翻译:-二, 什么是你的流量,结束了吗? NS -二,请指教 在你坐众议员,结束了。)


reptans一般作为名词使用,如在Hemigraphis reptans(n. 匍匐半插花)、Hypericum reptans(n. 匍枝金丝桃)、Ligusticum reptans(n. 匍匐藁本)等常见短语中出现较多。

Hemigraphis reptansn. 匍匐半插花
Hypericum reptansn. 匍枝金丝桃
Ligusticum reptansn. 匍匐藁本
Pedicularis reptansn. 爬行马先蒿
Polemonium reptans[网络] 匍匐花荵;天梯花荵
Potentilla reptansn. 匍匐委陵菜
Ranunculus reptans松叶毛茛
Simulium reptans[医] 爬蚋
Urochloa reptansn. 尾稃草


1. You sure we got to do all this work for me to be a sales rep? (翻译:你确定我们需要做的这一切工作 对我来说 成为一名销售人员?)

2. NS-Two, please advise on your sit rep, over. (翻译:-二, 什么是你的流量,结束了吗? NS -二,请指教 在你坐众议员,结束了。)

3. The play was premiered at the Birmingham Rep in 1999. (翻译:这出戏于xx年在伯明翰轮演剧场首次公演。)

4. This is the season of fake tans. (翻译:“假檀”是本季的流行风。)

5. Well, I've done six months at Bournemouth Rep, playing leads and things. (翻译:在 Bournemouth剧团待过6个月, 演过主角和其他角色.)

6. You wanna protect your prison rep? (翻译:you know? 你想保持在监狱里的声誉 {\3cH202020}You wanna protect your prison rep? 还是想离开这儿?)

7. The plastic yield condition of frame column is rep - resented in stress resultants. (翻译:用广义应力表达了框架柱的塑性屈服条件。)

8. So... Far cry from being a traveling pharmaceutical rep. (翻译:嗯 做一个四处奔波的医药代表 真是不容易啊)

9. Faults - Heavy ticking on Blenheims or Tricolors, white marks on Rubies or Black and Tans . (翻译:双色和三色颜色过重,在红色、黑色或褐色位置出现白斑。)

10. Eurocrats have reasons to be anxious, as their tans fade under leaden Brussels skies. (翻译:欧盟官员们被晒黑的肤色在布鲁塞尔的灰暗天空下逐渐消退,他们有充分理由表示忧虑。)

11. What have they got besides small dogs and spray tans? (翻译:他们除了小狗和美容还有什么 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}What have they got besides small dogs and spray tans?)

12. I'm Sam Garity, union rep here. (翻译:ㄖр眀衡Siskel? и琌Sam Garity 硂柑穦)

13. TANS Flight 222 departed Lima for a scheduled flight to Chachapoyas with an intermediate stop at Chiclayo. (翻译:TANS航空公司222航班离开的航班来查查波亚在奇克拉约一个中间站利马。)

14. We are gonna put little trails of vaseline on the contours of our abs, mist it a little, and that way the light will catch our tans: (翻译:我们在肋骨轮廓线上 抹几道凡士林 把它稍稍抹开 这样太阳就容易把皮肤晒黑)

15. The Tans burnt the church hall down in Gowell about a year ago, (翻译:Tans大概xx年前将在Gowell的教堂大厅烧毁了)



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