requisitionize是什么意思 requisitionize的中文翻译、读音、例句

requisitionize是什么意思 requisitionize的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:There's Indian Chinese food, Korean Chinese food, Japanese Chinese food, where they take the bao, the little buns, and they make them into pizza versions, and they take -- and they -- like, totally randomly they'll take Chinese noodle dishes, and they'll just Ramen-ize them. (还有印度中国菜, 韩式中国菜, 日式中国菜, 日本人把小包子 做成了比萨。他们还 很随意的, 他们把中式的面条, 也做出了日式拉面。)


例句:I sent an official requisition to Kentucky calling for the arrest of Frank Phillips and 23 members of his posse. (我向肯塔基州递交了一份官方申请书 I sent an official requisition to Kentucky 要求逮捕弗兰克・菲利普斯 calling for the arrest of Frank Phillips 以及他武装队中二十三名成员 and 23 members of his posse.)


1. Constantly keep the Party's advanced nature is the requisition and fundament of our party's long-term administration. (翻译:始终保持共产党员的先进性,是保持我们党长期执政的前提和基础。)

2. Sir, I checked the requisition logs in the library just to be sure. (翻译:主席先生,我在查库中的征地日志只是要确定。)

3. No, no, Hugh Alexander has denied my requisition for parts and-and equipment that I need to build the machine I've designed. (翻译:不,不,休·亚历山大 否认我的征用部分 和)

4. Anyway, I have a rev. committee's mandate. I requisition the premises. (翻译:不管怎样, 我有委员会的授权证明, 我一早就提交申请书了)

5. I used my dad's old captain's clearance for the requisition. (翻译:我用我老爹以前警长的通行证去要的这些资料)

6. His name's on the requisition forms for the surveillance equipment we found in Liddy's van. (翻译:申请书是他签的名 Liddy车里那些监控器材是他申请的)

7. Considering the favorable climatic, geographical and human conditions at present, we're not going too far by calling . IZE the best restaurant in Sanya. (翻译:如今的.IZE冰源餐厅可以说是集聚了天时、地利、人和,称之为三亚最好的餐厅一点也不为过。)

8. Beyond ize and weight aving, the ytem provide ynergy for pre-miion planning, miion execution and pot-miion training and maintenance. (翻译:除了减小了尺寸和重量,该系统还提供了任务前规划、任务执行以及任务完成后的培训和维护的协同作用。)

9. Hey, Barney, I had some questions about filling out these requisition forms. (翻译:{\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}他恨在那的每一分钟 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}and he hated every minute of it. {\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}嘿,Barney, {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}Hey,Barney, {\fn黑体\fs22\bord1\shad0\3aHBE\4aH00\fscx67\fscy66\2cHFFFFFF\3cH808080}我填这些请购单时有点问题 {\fnarial black\fs12\bord1\shad0\4aH00\fscx90\fscy110}I had some questions about filling out these requisition forms.)

10. Beyond ize and weight aving, the ytem provide ynergy for pre-miion planning, miion execution and pot-miion training and maintenance. (翻译:除了减小了尺寸和重量,该系统还提供了任务前规划、任务执行以及任务完成后的培训和维护的协同作用。)

11. Requisition a flight team and a quinjet. (翻译:带上一组机组人员和一架昆式战斗机 Requisition a flight team and a quinjet.)

12. The requisition of Japanese technicians in Beiping City was conducive to the economic construction objectively alter the war. (翻译:战后对日籍技术人员的留用在客观上有利于北平市的经济建设。)

13. The same goes for the "American" -ize, which dominated in Britain for a long time, and which the Oxford University Press still uses. (翻译:同样的例子还见于主宰英国很长时间的美式拼写“-ize”,时至今日,牛津大学出版社仍在使用。)

14. I'll pull some favors, requisition the current Frankfurt CCTV feeds. (翻译:我会找人帮忙 调取法兰克福的实时监控录像)

15. The imposition of a military base involved the requisition of native lands for both the fort and the territory needed to feed and exercise the soldiers' animals. (翻译:军事基地的建立涉及到为堡垒和领土征用当地土地来喂养和训练士兵的动物。)

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