rescowed是什么意思 rescowed的中文翻译、读音、例句

rescowed是什么意思 rescowed的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:He lacked cοmmitment and resοlve, and there are thοse whο are wοrried abοut where he will stand when war cοmes with Germany. (这么没有决断和献身精神 会有人担心,当和德国开战的时候 他能否顶住压力)

例句:Measures to meet an emergency of pre-venting spreading of severe acute res-piratory syndrome in emergency de-partment (急诊科预防传染性非典型肺炎蔓延的应急措施)


1. He began his story in medias res. (翻译:他开门见山地讲了起来。)

2. If differences arise in οpiniοns and habits, yοu must wοrk tο resοlνe them. (翻译:以后生活在一起 万一在思想上、生活习惯上格格不入的时候 一定要相互体谅,多多沟通)

3. According to such provisions, is it possible to violate the general principle of res judicate? (翻译:根据这些规定,有可能违反既判力的一般原则吗? )

4. Airports and stock markets have been closed, but there is an urgent desire to return to normality, to carry on and not be cowed. (翻译:机场和股票铰易市场被关闭,但是人们仍希望一切都回到正轨,去进行正常的生活而不是被恐吓。)

5. The major measures against APR are striking out a suit or an appeal, fine, fee of the suit and overturning of res judicata. (翻译:对APR进行预防和处罚的措施主要有:驳回起诉或上诉、罚款、承担诉讼费用、推翻既判力等。)

6. But the torta de milanesa de res—or breaded beef cutlet sandwich—was the highlight. (翻译:不过,夹着炸牛肉排的饼——或者说裹着面包屑的炸牛肉片三明治——才是这顿饭的亮点。)

7. That's equivalent to a constellation of 12 satellites at highest res capacity. (翻译:那相当于一个12个卫星的星座用最高清分辨率拍摄的数据量. )

8. The anger of such a woman, at such a moment, would have cowed even him. (翻译:这样一个女人在这样一个时刻的怒火,就连他也会吓坏的。)

9. Would you prefer I'd be childish, self-centered or make grimaces? (翻译:你更喜欢我幼稚自私的时候吗 Tu préfères quand je suis puéril, égocentrique?)

10. Stupefied by opium, cowed by Western firepower, China was dismissed at the outset of the 20th century as the "sick man of Asia. " (翻译:鸦片的麻醉,西方火枪的威吓,在二十世纪的开端中国衰落成为所谓的“东亚病夫”。)

11. I will not be cowed by this man and his threats. (翻译:我才不会被这个男人和他的威胁所吓倒 I will not be cowed by this man and his threats.)

12. The headman of the gypsies, cowed and nervous, was apparently trying to offer explanations. (翻译:领头的吉普赛人显然被吓坏了,正在紧张地试图解释。)

13. VIRT increased because it is the combined values of the increases in SHR and RES. (翻译:VIRT增加了,因为它是SHR和RES增加的值之和。)

14. The third chapter is about the objective scope of res judicata. (翻译:第三章是关于既判力客观范围。)

15. Fredo would have been cowed. (翻译:弗雷多会被惊吓。)

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