residual mean square在中文中有"残差均方"的意思,其次还有"残差均方"的意思,发音是[residualmeansquare],residual mean square来源于英语,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到88个与residual mean square相关的句子。
Residual mean square的翻译
例句:Tompkins Square U. Plenty of guys. (Tompkins Square U. 男生很多)
residual mean square一般作为名词使用,如在mean square residual(均方留数)、mean residual(平均残差)、residual mean([计] 平均残差)等常见短语中出现较多。
mean square residual | 均方留数 |
mean residual | 平均残差 |
residual mean | [计] 平均残差 |
mean square | 平均平方, 均方, 均方 |
square mean | (统计)均方 |
mean log residual | 平均对数差余 |
mean residual life | 平均余命; 平均残存寿命 |
error mean square | 误差均方 |
expected mean square | 期望均方 |
1. Could there not be residual traces of it from the night before? (翻译:有没有可能是前一晚服用的 该药物的残留物)
folks, this square dance is over. (翻译, folks, this square dance is over.)
3. I think we gotta look into that. (翻译:你的意思是 I mean, what what do you mean?)
4. The residual substances of crocidolite are mainly silicon. (翻译:青石棉残留的粉尘仅为以硅为主的物质。)
5. ♪ the square in Tiananmen ♪ (翻译:# 还有天安门广场 # # The square in Tiananmen #)
6. Corroborated by the coherency attributes, in both seismic section and slicing, root-mean-square amp. . . (翻译:同时使用相干属性体,均方根振幅属性,以及它的水平切片和垂直切片来精细刻画断层。)
7. What does that mean? (翻译:- what does that mean?)
8. Tiananmen Square is grand as well. (翻译:Tiananmen Square is grand as well.)
9. Exploring is long, you is this what mean? (翻译:you is this what mean?)
10. I mean I've heard of a square meal but that's ridiculous. (翻译:虽然我知道营养餐都被称作方形餐 但这说法也太可笑了)
11. Union Square Inn. This is better. (翻译:Union Square旅店,这个好一点)
12. Uh, residual heat will be intense, (翻译:残余热度也相当高 Uh, residual heat will be intense,)
13. The population must all evacuate Carmo square (翻译:平民 The population 必须全部撤离卡尔穆广场 must all evacuate Carmo square)
14. The unfurling of Ikaros, which has an area of 200 square metres, is therefore no mean feat. (翻译:展开伊卡洛斯,这个200平方米的装置,因此是一个艰难的壮举。)
15. What do you mean by 'rely'? We need to use the Press fair and square. (翻译:我哪里是依赖他们 只是想正当的引起舆论的关注)