reststrahlen spectrum是什么意思 reststrahlen spectrum的中文翻译、读音、例句

reststrahlen spectrum是什么意思 reststrahlen spectrum的中文翻译、读音、例句

reststrahlen spectrum的中文解释是"余辉带光谱",在日常中也代表"余辉带光谱"的意思,发音音标为[reststrahlenspectrum],reststrahlen spectrum来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到30个与reststrahlen spectrum相关的句子。

Reststrahlen spectrum的词典翻译


例句:Yet another vivid hue in the broad spectrum of airport humanity. (机场万象中一抹夺目的色彩 Yet another vivid hue in the broad spectrum of airport humanity.)


reststrahlen spectrum一般作为名词使用,如在reststrahlen(剩余射线)、reststrahlen absorption(剩余射线吸收)、reststrahlen band(剩余射线带,余辉带)等常见短语中出现较多。

reststrahlen absorption剩余射线吸收
reststrahlen band剩余射线带,余辉带
reststrahlen filter剩余射线滤光器
reststrahlen peak余辉带的反射峰
reststrahlen plate剩余射线滤光板
reststrahlen region剩余射线区
on the spectrum在范围中


1. This sound spectrum spans about ten octaves. (翻译:这个声谱约有十个八度的跨度。)

2. And then this is repeated across the entire spectrum of companies. (翻译:这个情况 在所有公司的生命周期中不断重复 )

3. Sceond-order derivative spectrum; (翻译:二阶导数谱; )

4. Saw them in '78 at the Spectrum in Philly. (翻译:xx年 我在费城的光谱球场 看过他们的演出)

5. You can see the spectrum of the Earth, this Earthshine spectrum, and that is a very clear signal. (翻译:你可以看到地球的光谱,这是地球反照光谱。是一个非常明确的讯号。)

6. To see it ourselves we must enter the ultraviolet spectrum. (翻译:为了能够亲眼看到这一事实 我们切入紫外光谱画面)

7. Both UV scanning spectrum and IR spectrum coupling occurred between SMD and BSA. (翻译:其紫外扫描光谱和红外光谱表明偶联成功。)

8. Boy, is she on the spectrum. (翻译:老天 她还真是敢写 Boy, is she on the spectrum.)

9. Where do you fall on the spectrum? (翻译:你现在情况是怎么样 {\3cH000000}Where do you fall on the spectrum?)

10. Could make some sort of landmark points along a spectrum of improbability, which might look like the electromagnetic spectrum we just looked at. (翻译:如果我们可以将生命不可思议的范围在频谱上作一些标注的话, 那么它看上去就会和 我们能够看到的电磁频谱的范围差不多。)

11. Tryptophan Modification and Fluorescence Spectrum of Inulinase (翻译:菊粉酶中色氨酸残基的化学修饰及其荧光光谱)

12. but the added fun of subatomic particles and waves outside the visible spectrum. (翻译:还增加了次原子微粒 可视光谱外 but the added fun of subatomic particles and waves 光波的乐趣 outside the visible spectrum.)

13. The binding of metolachlor and S Isomer to urease in aqueous solution was studied using UV difference spectrum and fluorescence spectrum. (翻译:应用紫外差光谱和荧光光谱法研究了水溶液中酰胺类除草剂乙草胺、丙草胺、丁草胺、异丙甲草胺与脲酶分子间的相互作用。)

14. I compared the radio waves spectrum -- the size of it -- with the size of the visible light spectrum. (翻译:我比较了无线电波光谱 把它的大小和 可见光谱的大小进行了比较.)

15. Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum. (翻译:红色和紫色位于光谱的两端。)

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