military supply depot是什么意思 military supply depot的中文翻译、读音、例句

military supply depot是什么意思 military supply depot的中文翻译、读音、例句

military supply depot在英语中代表"军事供应仓库"的意思,还有军事供应仓库的意思,发音是[militarysupplydepot],military supply depot常被用作名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到28个与military supply depot相关的句子。

Military supply depot的释义


例句:We need to find a fuel supply, a military depot, a power source, something! (我们需要发现一个燃料供应站 一座军用仓库 电力来源 或其他东西)


military supply depot一般作为名词使用,如在military depot(军用仓库)、supply depot(补给仓库)、military supply(军事供给)等常见短语中出现较多。

military depot军用仓库
supply depot补给仓库
military supply军事供给
main supply depot主要补给仓库
military will军人临终前的口头遗嘱
on supply任代课教师
supply ... forv. 把…供给\n[网络] 把……供给;为…供给
supply for为…提供; 因为…而提供
the supply供给


1. culture,global issues,military,peace,technology,war (翻译:culture,global issues,military,peace,technology,war)

2. Assignment Problem with Multiobject and Its Application in the Military Material Supply (翻译:多目标指派问题及其在军械物资供应中的应用)

3. And that neighbor was unable to conduct any military operations because their fuel supply was locked up. (翻译:邻国无法做出任何反击 因为他们的油田被封住了 )

4. Until 1939, on the Polish part of the peninsula, a Military Transit Depot received overseas shipments of uniforms and military equipment. (翻译:直到xx年,在半岛的波属部分 一个军事运转仓库接收了 一批来自海外货舱的制服和军事装备)

5. The president needed the support of the military. (翻译:总统需要军队支持。The president needed the support of the military.)

6. They were sending pounds of it back to the States, using military supply lines. (翻译:他们利用军方补给渠道把成磅的可卡因运回美国)

7. Nobody can guarantee that. (翻译:空中交通控制 per civilian and military,)

8. The problem of the water supply to the city of Sao Paulo; (翻译:向圣保罗市供应水的问题; The problem of the water supply to the city of Sao Paulo;)

9. Rep. Coffman said the amendment was supposed to encourage "advance planning" to protect the military's supply chain. (翻译:考夫曼说,修改法案是为了鼓励军方未雨绸缪,保护自己的供应链。)

10. Both events are a further drain on our military, our economy our manpower, our food supply. (翻译:这两方会慢慢榨干我们的军力,我们的经济 我们的人力,我们的食物供给)

11. Foreign Policy,global issues,military,peace,politics,war (翻译:Foreign Policy,global issues,military,peace,politics,war)

12. Suspect entering train depot... north of Paddington. (翻译:嫌疑犯走进了火车仓库... 帕丁顿北面.)

13. I called Ernie McClosky at the freight depot. (翻译:我给车站货房的欧尼・麦克洛斯基打过电话了)

14. Military, something like that. (翻译:Military, something like that. 前警官, 当过兵吧)

15. computers,engineering,history,library,military,science,software,technology (翻译:computers,engineering,history,library,military,science,software,technology)

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