retired fund是什么意思 retired fund的中文翻译、读音、例句

retired fund是什么意思 retired fund的中文翻译、读音、例句

retired fund通常被翻译为"资产置换基金"的意思,作为名词时有"退还基金"的意思,在线发音:[retiredfund],retired fund来源于英语,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到17个与retired fund相关的句子。

Retired fund的词典翻译


例句:Being kept from the county general fund. (不被吞进本区的资金里 Being kept from the county general fund.)


例句:How about... a retired politician? (找退休政客? How about... a retired politician?)


retired fund一般作为名词使用,如在retired(a. 隐退的, 退休的, 退役的\n[经] 退休的, 已收回的)、fund fund(基金之基金)、retired allowance([经] 退休金)等常见短语中出现较多。

retireda. 隐退的, 退休的, 退役的\n[经] 退休的, 已收回的
fund fund基金之基金
retired allowance[经] 退休金
retired bill[经] 赎回汇票
retired bond已赎回债券
retired bonds[经] 已收回债券
retired employee退休雇员
retired hurt[网络] 受伤退场;受伤下场
retired judge[网络] 退休法官


1. But now you have retired from public life and I never see you. (翻译:如今您退隐 无从谋面 But now you have retired from public life and I never see you.)

2. Accel Partners currently is managing an early-stage fund, a growth fund, a China fund, an India fund, and a Europe fund. (翻译:AccelPartners风险投资公司目前管理着一支早期基金,一支成长型基金,一支中国基金,一支印度基金和一支欧洲基金。)

3. Michael Beers, 41, retired Marine. (翻译:Michael Beers xx岁 退役海军陆战队员 Michael Beers, 41, retired Marine.)

4. Any contribution paid by employer or contractor to any pensions fund or provident fund. (翻译:因为一些贡献,雇主或承包商以养老基金或公积金制度给予的额外津贴。)

5. I'm retired Air Force Lieutenant Colonel. Retired from military after 20 years. (翻译:我是一名退役空军中校 我退役已经xx年了)

6. Well, we have no money since Monica stole the Squirrel Fund, and we need to eat! (翻译:Yeah? Well, we have no money 偷了我们的存款之后 我们就没钱了 since Monica stole the Squirrel Fund,)

7. Now it no longer has credit is retired. (翻译:既然你已经退休了 那我也就没必要再赞助你了)

8. Fund industry, fund managers, professional managers Youyi greatest demand. (翻译:基金行业的职业经理人又以基金经理需求最大。)

9. and since he just retired-- (翻译:我还要给我的叔叔 Jeff多准备一样东西)

10. He retired twelve batters in a row. (翻译:他一连使十二个击球手出局。)

11. They can decide what to fund, what not to fund, and they represent you. (翻译:他们可以决定给什么拨款,不给什么拨款, 而且他们代表你们。)

12. Not for the fund raising concert (翻译:不是要参加民主歌声献中华的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Not for the fund raising concert)

13. And a retired history professor with no fund-raising ability is the linchpin. (翻译:并且一个退休了的 没有任何拉赞助能力的历史教授是关键.)

14. And to give you an idea of the last fund that Kleiner raised was a $400 million fund, so this for us is a very substantial fund. (翻译:Kleiliner最近募集的一笔基金是4亿美元, 这对我们来说是一笔很重要的资金。)

15. Roybal retired in 1993. (翻译:罗伊鲍尔于xx年退休。)

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