retirement savings plan是什么意思 retirement savings plan的中文翻译、读音、例句

retirement savings plan是什么意思 retirement savings plan的中文翻译、读音、例句

retirement savings plan在中文中有"退休储蓄计划"的意思,还有网络的意思,单词读音音标为[retirementsavingsplan],retirement savings plan是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到86个与retirement savings plan相关的例句。

Retirement savings plan的翻译


例句:It was a nice retirement party. I guess. (这个退休派对真不错 It was a nice retirement party.)

例句:More than 9, 000 beneficiaries of CalPERS, the largest state retirement plan, receive more than $100, 000 a year. (加州公共雇员退休基金,也就是美国最优厚的州级退休金计划,使它的受益者中9000多人的退休金达到每年十万美金以上。)


retirement savings plan一般作为名词使用,如在retirement plan(退休金计划, 养老金计划)、savings plan([网络] 储蓄计划;储蓄计画;定期定额投资储蓄计划)、retirement savings account([网络] 退休储蓄账户)等常见短语中出现较多。

retirement plan退休金计划, 养老金计划
savings plan[网络] 储蓄计划;储蓄计画;定期定额投资储蓄计划
retirement savings account[网络] 退休储蓄账户
retirement savings accounts[网络] 退休储蓄账户
retirement savings plans[网络] 退休储蓄计划\n(retirement savings plan 的复数)
employee retirement plan员工退休制
gradual retirement plan[经] 逐渐退职(休)计划
Qualified Retirement Plan[网络] 合格退休计划;合资格退休金计画;适格退休计画
retirement pension plan退休金计划


1. The savings would be in the billions! (翻译:成本能节省数十亿元! The savings would be in the billions!)

2. Crawling with crotes, yeah. you saying my plan is reckless? (翻译:you saying my plan is reckless?)

3. Then come up with a better plan. (翻译:Then come up with a better plan.)

4. If you're saving for retirement, that's a pretty good deal - much better than U. S. savings bonds, or stashing cash under your mattress. (翻译:如果你一直持有,当你退休的时候,将会是笔大数目—比美国储蓄债券或藏在床垫下可好多了。)

5. At 21, he invested his life savings (翻译:xx岁就把毕生积蓄 At 21, he invested his life savings)

6. # And nothing goes the way you plan (翻译:∮ And nothing goes the way you plan ∮)

7. My savings, my retirement, uh, It all went to my late wife's medical care. (翻译:我的积蓄 退休金 都用来支付亡妻的医疗费了)

8. I had a retirement plan, but on the 3 occasions when I changed jobs, I withdrew that and spent it frivolously. (翻译:我有过退休计划,但是在我三次换工作的时候,我撤回了那些保险并且愚蠢的花掉了。)

9. Only a third of the college savers used a tax-advantaged savings account like a 529 plan or Coverdell account. (翻译:为小孩读大学存钱的家长中只有三分之一的使用纳税优惠的储蓄存款帐户,比如529计划或Coverdell教育储蓄帐户。)

10. You got drugs coming out of that Savings Club. (翻译:你手上有从卖场里拿到的货 You got drugs coming out of that Savings Club.)

11. Don't worry, I have some savings! (翻译:I have some savings!)

12. You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, we make a new plan. (翻译:你制定方案 然后方案不管用了 You make a plan, plan turns to rubbish, 再换个新方案 We make a new plan.)

13. These bonuses will be paid when your savings plan matures in ten years' time. (翻译:当你的储蓄计划在xx年后到期时,这些红利将会被支付。)

14. What about stationery savings? (翻译:文具的事怎么说呢? What about stationery savings?)

15. Only a third of the college savers used a tax-advantaged savings account like a 529 plan or Coverdell account. (翻译:为小孩读大学存钱的家长中只有三分之一的使用纳税优惠的储蓄存款帐户,比如529计划或Coverdell教育储蓄帐户。)


retirement savings plan作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、retirement、savings、plans等。

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