retrocaval ureter是什么意思 retrocaval ureter的中文翻译、读音、例句

retrocaval ureter是什么意思 retrocaval ureter的中文翻译、读音、例句

retrocaval ureter在英语中代表"腔静脉后输尿管"的意思,还有腔静脉后输尿管的意思,读音为[retrocavalureter],retrocaval ureter是一个英语名词,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到10个与retrocaval ureter相关的句子。

Retrocaval ureter的释义


例句:After the SILS port was removed, the right ureter and the small intestine for the stoma were pulled out of the peritoneal cavity. (取出SILS单孔多通道平台,一并将右侧输尿管及拟行造口的小肠输出袢带出。)


retrocaval ureter一般作为名词使用,如在retrocaval([网络] 反城堡)、ureter(输尿管 )、dilatation of ureter(输尿管扩张)等常见短语中出现较多。

retrocaval[网络] 反城堡
dilatation of ureter输尿管扩张
double ureter复输尿管(畸形)
ectopic ureter异位输尿管
diverticulum of ureter输尿管憩室
duplication of ureter重复输尿管
injury of ureter输尿管损伤
leukoplakia of ureter输尿管白斑病


1. Objective: to offer applied anatomy of the genitofemoral nerve and the ureter for avoiding injury during the ureter operation. (翻译:目的:为临床提供输尿管手术时避免损伤生殖股神经的应用解剖资料。)

2. Thenorphine, the same as another partial agonist buprenorphine, has no effects on the stimulated ureter. (翻译:噻喏啡和经典的阿片受体部分激动剂丁丙诺啡均无此作用。)

3. Objectives: To evaluate the clinical effects of treatment of submucosal ureter-vesical stones with transurethral cystoscope . (翻译:目的:探讨经尿道膀胱镜处理输尿管壁内部结石的临床治疗效果。)

4. Objective: To discuss the diagnostic value of CDFI for ureter cyst. (翻译:目的:探讨彩色多普勒超声对输尿管囊肿的应用价值。)

5. Tissue, Nuclear Protein, Human Tumor, Ureter. (翻译:组织,核蛋白,人肿瘤,输尿管。)

6. The utility model relates to a urethra and ureter anastomat used for opened and laparoscopic operations. (翻译:本实用新型是一种用于开放和腹腔镜手术的尿道、输尿管吻合器。)

7. Nephritic coating, renal pelvis and ureter are stimulated or when tensional heighten, all can produce ache. (翻译:肾脏包膜、肾盂和输尿管受到刺激或张力增高时,均可产生疼痛。)

8. Ureter stone was inlaid in anatomise physiological narrow place usually. (翻译:输尿管结石易嵌于解剖生理狭窄处。)

9. Tissue, Total Protein, Human Fetal Normal, Ureter. (翻译:组织,总蛋白,人正常胚胎,输尿管。)

10. The ureter and gonadal vein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero-laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum. (翻译:输尿管和性腺静脉于腰大肌的前外侧被整体提起朝向肾门切除。)

11. The results suggested that DDPH produce negative effects on rabbit smooth musculature of the ureter. (翻译:提示,DDPH可对兔输尿管平滑肌电活动产生一定的负性影响。)

12. Objective: To explore the positioning diagnostic value of MRU for ectopic ureter openings. (翻译:目的:探讨磁共振尿路成像对异位输尿管开口的定位诊断的价值。)

13. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value and limitation of urography in retrocaval ureter. (翻译:目的评价泌尿系造影在下腔静脉后输尿管诊断中的价值。)

14. IVP inspects 6 cases, prompts the ureter lower segment to be narrow, the ureter upside expands, kidney water 4 cases. (翻译:IVP检查6例,均提示输尿管下段狭窄、输尿管上段扩张,肾积水4例。)

15. Clear yellow fluid squirted out against our instruments as we tried to suture the ureter to the bladder. (翻译:澄清的黄色液体在我们准备将输尿管缝合到膀胱时喷射而出。)

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