returning grid是什么意思 returning grid的中文翻译、读音、例句

returning grid是什么意思 returning grid的中文翻译、读音、例句

returning grid的中文解释是"转动分布板",在日常中也代表"翻板"的意思,发音音标为[returninggrid],returning grid常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到74个与returning grid相关的句子。

Returning grid的翻译


例句:The grid shimmers with " current" or grid flux. (网格以“涌流”或网格流动变化轻轻震颤着。)


例句:Then, as I was returning to the casino suddenly... (跟着, 我就走回赌场... ...当我走到这里的时候...)


returning grid一般作为名词使用,如在returning(v. 归还, 返回, 回复(return的ing形式))、returning to(v. 回;返回;还给;回到;回;返回;还给;回到;回到;返回;还给;降到\n[网络] 回归;重返;言归正传)、returning board([法] 选举监察所, 选举监察委员会)等常见短语中出现较多。

returningv. 归还, 返回, 回复(return的ing形式)
returning tov. 回;返回;还给;回到;回;返回;还给;回到;回到;返回;还给;降到\n[网络] 回归;重返;言归正传
returning board[法] 选举监察所, 选举监察委员会
returning charge返回料
returning curve回复曲线
returning cycle[医] 恢复周期(由额外收缩开始的心搏周期)
returning echo回波,反射信号
returning handle回动手把
returning home归乡


1. The application of the grid technology to virtual environments is discussed, and the grid-based VGE framework is designed. (翻译:探讨了网格技术在虚拟环境中的应用,并对基于网格技术的网络虚拟地理环境结构框架进行了初步设计。)

2. So education returning to existential ontology represents as returning to its undistorted intendment. (翻译:回归生存本体的教育因而表现为回归教育的本真意蕴的教育。)

3. China and Russia are off the grid. (翻译:中国 俄罗斯切断连线了 他们拒绝通讯 China and Russia are off the grid.)

4. Is that the grid or the generator? (翻译:Is that the grid or the generator? 是电网还是发电机给的电?)

5. Based on the grid middleware used by scientific computing grid, the GRM was implemented. (翻译:以科学计算网格的中间件为基础,实现了GRM。)

6. Grid 354 West 234 designation, tracking modified. (翻译:他正朝正门方向逃跑 推测方位GRID354 WEST234 提供追踪)

7. And why were you so heck-bent on not returning to Durnsville? (翻译:为什么你死活不愿意回到登斯维尔 And why were you so heck -bent on not returning to Durnsville?)

8. Our defence grid has been breached. (翻译:我们的防护网已被破坏 Our defence grid has been breached.)

9. This security grid model ensures that the legal user can access grid resouces; (翻译:此安全模型保证合法的用户可以访问网格资源; )

10. Yeah. Leaving New York March 30, 1975, returning 3 weeks later. (翻译:有时间记录吗 Is there a date? 三星期后返回 returning 3 weeks later.)

11. You know, Vick Vice is returning from a sabbatical at Penn State. (翻译:Vick Vice is returning from a sabbatical at Penn State.)

12. Whether they will be returning to their usual work is not yet... (翻译:他们是否会回到之前 Whether they will be returning 工作的地方 尚未得知... to their usual work is not yet...)

13. Swamp folk, dug in off the grid. (翻译:住在沼泽附近的人都消失了 Swamp folk, dug in off the grid.)

14. Check this out: Here's a grid, nothing special, just a basic grid, very grid-y. (翻译:看看: 一个网格,无特别之处,只是个网格,很网格的。)

15. Well, death is the only thing returning through that portal. (翻译:只有死亡才能从传送门那边回来 Well, death is the only thing returning through that portal. 菲兹只是...)

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