rhizophydium laterale是什么意思 rhizophydium laterale的中文翻译、读音、例句

rhizophydium laterale是什么意思 rhizophydium laterale的中文翻译、读音、例句

rhizophydium laterale的意思是"侧生根生壶菌",还有侧生根生壶菌的意思,单词读音音标为[rhizophydiumlaterale],rhizophydium laterale常被用作名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到66个与rhizophydium laterale相关的例句。

Rhizophydium laterale的翻译


例句:Today the music of IZ is darker, graver. It finds its way into the deepest corners of your soul. (现在IZ乐队的音乐变得更加黑暗深沉,直指人的灵魂深处。)


rhizophydium laterale一般作为名词使用,如在Rhizophydium(根生壶菌属)、Rhizophydium anomalum(异常根生壶菌)、rhizophydium biporosum(双管根生壶菌)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rhizophydium anomalum异常根生壶菌
rhizophydium biporosum双管根生壶菌
rhizophydium capillaceum细毛根生壶菌
Rhizophydium cardatum尾状根生壶菌
rhizophydium chaetiferum毛囊根生壶菌
rhizophydium chlorogonii梭藻根生壶菌
rhizophydium collapsum塌陷根生壶菌
rhizophydium condylosum骨节根生壶菌


1. Next to Apollinaire and Max Ophuls. (翻译:挨着阿波利奈尔和马克斯? 奥菲尔斯 Next to Apollinaire and Max Ophüls.)

2. Iz-- Okay,just... just wait. (翻译:- Iz - 好吧 还是... 等等好么)

3. We're living in era of expanding materialized civilization, we're wilder, it's kind like "Diu Diu" walks into forest; (翻译:在一个物质文明正在高度发展的时代,我们怅然若失,如同“丢丢”走入森林;)

4. Every grieving soul Be filled with joy (翻译:{Y: 我}每悲伤的灵魂 {Y: 我充满了喜悦})

5. You could see no 2 meters. (翻译:能见度不到两米 on y voyait pas à deux mètres.)

6. Russell Maniac later tonight. (翻译:Russell Maniac later tonight.)

7. Come birl the ale, please. (翻译:来给我倒杯啤酒! )

8. Think about it, Iz, no more worrying about tractors or harvests or... (翻译:这样就不用再担心拖拉机 收割 还有...)

9. - Hey, wanna catch a movie later? - Uh... (翻译:wanna catch a movie later?)

10. So notice RH: right hand, LH: left hand. (翻译:所以注意”RH“代表右手,”LH“代表左手 )

11. They smite first,and then they ask questions later. (翻译:and then they ask questions later.)

12. Now it is time for us to make our move. (翻译:有所行动 sooner or later.)

13. Oh, you know, y-y-you're such a good guy. (翻译:哦,你知道, Y -Y - 你这样的好人。)

14. By definition, the slope is given by "M", which is the change in "Y" (翻译:从定义上来讲 斜率是由M得出的 它是Y上的变动值)

15. You can finish that later. (翻译:You can finish that later.)

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