例句:Risa had walk Sean across the road wich was costumary. (Risa带着Sean穿过马路,他们还是 穿着传统的衣服)
例句:Mishima, if you kill this child, (三岛 如果你杀了你儿子 Mishima, si tu tues cet enfant,)
例句:I think of you every time I close my eyes You're like an alluring slogan which won't leave In a world of deceit and betrayal ({\cHFFFFFF}Risa Miriam 000 points)
例句:So Auntie Si will help me. (翻译:让四姐帮我好吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}So Auntie Si will help me.)
risasi一般作为名词使用,如在Risasi([地名] 里萨西 ( 刚(金) ))等常见短语中出现较多。
Risasi | [地名] 里萨西 ( 刚(金) ) |
1. I think of you every time I close my eyes You're like an alluring slogan which won't leave In a world of deceit and betrayal (翻译:{\cHFFFFFF}Risa Miriam 000 points)
2. So Auntie Si will help me. (翻译:让四姐帮我好吗? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}So Auntie Si will help me.)
3. Risa: Japanese! Or music. (翻译:里沙:日语!或音乐。)
4. Niigaki Risa: It varies…but I suppose it's better to sleep… (翻译:新恒里沙:有会不同…但是我觉得睡觉比较好… )
5. - Yes, of course, darling. (翻译:说过 亲爱的 Mais si, mon amour.)
6. No... you are... no partire, you... you... (翻译:不--你是-- 没有 partire,你--你-- 你不想要离开 Si。)
7. What is the energy unit in SI? The joule. (翻译:国际单位制中的能量单位是什么,焦耳。)
8. Just so I don't do something wrong at the 2nd Start again. (翻译:因为如果一定要改 Parce que si je dois changer,)
9. Of course you understand. You understand perfectly even. (翻译:你懂的 Mais si, tu comprends.)
10. Ah Si, what you are yelling about? (翻译:what you are yelling about?)
11. A general biquadratic realization is also proposed with this SI circuit. (翻译:据此,得到了SI电路的一般双二次实现。)
12. But everything that conspires and organizes itself around her si ence that want to si ence her si ence. (翻译:所有一切在她的沉默周围密谋策划着 想要让她的沉默变得沉默.)
13. Ah Si, the pork is really tasty. (翻译:the pork is really tasty.)
14. Too bad, If it will cost you. (翻译:你若为难 实在可惜 Tant pis si ça vous en coûte)
15. Auntie Si always runs fast. (翻译:四姐跑得很快的 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Auntie Si always runs fast.)