rise above something是什么意思 rise above something的中文翻译、读音、例句

rise above something是什么意思 rise above something的中文翻译、读音、例句

rise above something在中文中有"网络"的意思,其中文解释还有"克服某事"的意思,读音为[riseabovesomething],rise above something来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到12个与rise above something相关的例句。

Rise above something的翻译


例句:No agency has the right to rise above any other agency. (没有任何政府部门有权利 凌驾于另一个部门)


例句:♪ The skies above are blue (* The skies above are blue *)


rise above something一般作为名词使用,如在rise above(升到…之上; 超越…; 克服; 沾沾自喜)、rise to something([网络] 上升到某事)、rise above oneself(自鸣得意,得意忘形)等常见短语中出现较多。

rise above升到…之上; 超越…; 克服; 沾沾自喜
rise to something[网络] 上升到某事
rise above oneself自鸣得意,得意忘形
rise above self超越自我
rise above sth[网络] 高于上升
not above不高于\n不超过
the above以上所述
on the rise在上涨, 在增长


1. He acted as if he were above our company and above being pleased. (翻译:他表现得就像瞧不起人 难以被取悦似的 He acted as if he were above our company and above being pleased.)

2. Temperatures will not rise above zero tonight. (翻译:今天夜间的温度不会高于零度。)

3. Neither it nor his other theological verse treatises rise far above doggerel. (翻译:跟他的其他有关神学的议论诗一样,这不比拙劣的打油诗高明多少。)

4. But you will live, Eponine – Dear God above! (翻译:Eponine – Dear God above!)

5. "Five shall die, and from their ashes the Anointed shall rise." (翻译:and from their ashes the Anointed shall rise.)

6. And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise (翻译:朝阳即将升起 And the sun in the morning is waiting to rise)

7. Give up your courtly vices. Rise above this private greed. (翻译:放弃你们自以为是的恶习 超越个人的私欲...)

8. ? Rise up and take the power back ? (翻译:* Rise up and take the power back * 起义取得政权)

9. ♪ and when you speak, angels sing from above ♪ (翻译:*And when you speak,angels sing from above*)

10. We can't let that happen. We need to rise above it. (翻译:我们不能允许那样的事发生 我们得不受其影响)

11. Nor are you. Rise a knight. (翻译:作为骑士站起来 Rise a knight.)

12. Adam, the country will not rise up. (翻译:the country will not rise up.)

13. This may be my final breath, but the people of this land will rise above my failures as a king. (翻译:这可能是我最后一口气, 但是这片土地上的人民 我的失败之上,上升为王。)

14. ? way above the clouds in the sky singing. ? (翻译:* Way above the clouds in the sky singing.)

15. And the Qalandar people will rise above all this cruel barbaric past that they've lived all their lives. (翻译:卡拉海尔人可以从他们一代代经历的残忍而野蛮的历史中走出来 卡拉海尔人可以从他们一代代经历的残忍而野蛮的历史中走出来 )

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