robbing是什么意思 robbing的中文翻译、读音、例句

robbing是什么意思 robbing的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Robbing是动词rob的现在分词形式,意为“抢劫”。

2. 词性:Robbing是动词的现在分词形式,它可以作主语、宾语、定语、表语、状语等。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配包括:robbing spree(抢劫狂潮)、armed robbing(持械抢劫)、bank robbing(银行抢劫)等。

4. 短语:常见的短语包括:rob someone blind(抢劫某人一空)、rob Peter to pay Paul(以借来的钱偿还所欠的钱)、rob the cradle(勾引比自己年轻的人)等。

5. 发音拼写:robbing的读音为 /ˈrɒbɪŋ/。


1. He was caught robbing a jewelry store last night.(他昨晚被逮到在抢一家珠宝店。)

2. The robbers got away with over $10,000 after robbing the bank.(抢劫银行后,强盗带走了1万多美元。)

3. She accused him of robbing her of her youth.(她指责他夺走了她的青春。)

4. The police are investigating a series of armed robbings in the area.(警方正在调查该地区的一系列持械抢劫案。)

5. He was sentenced to 10 years in prison for robbing a convenience store.(他因抢劫一家便利店被判处xx年监禁。)




1. He was caught robbing a bank last month. (他上个月被抓了抢劫银行。)

2. The shopkeeper was robbed by three armed men last night. (昨晚三名武装男子抢劫了这家店主。)

3. Robbing people of their possessions is a heinous crime. (剥夺别人财产是一种极其可恶的罪行。)




例句:We have three men robbing an armored truck. (有三个人抢劫一辆运钞车 We have three men robbing an armored truck.)


robbing一般作为名词使用,如在pillar robbing(回采矿柱)、preliminary robbing(初步回采)、robbing pheromone(掠夺信息素)等常见短语中出现较多。

pillar robbing回采矿柱
preliminary robbing初步回采
robbing pheromone掠夺信息素
robbing pillars回收采矿法
robbing the cradle[网络] 老牛吃嫩草;孤儿院的劫掠;那就是姊弟恋


1. The days of robbing banks and trying to live to spend the money... they're long gone. (翻译:靠打劫银行 然后好命花钱的好日子... 已经一去不复返了)

2. A double of you is loose. What's he up to? Robbing banks? (翻译:拉乌尔赫希说 若你不能控制 自 己的创作)

3. Two security guards tackled and apprehended a man suspected of robbing 17 banks. (翻译:两名保安与一名涉嫌抢劫17家银行的男子搏斗并逮捕了他。)

4. That brigand still robbing us, is he? (翻译:那个强盗还在掠夺我们 是吗? That brigand still robbing us, is he?)

5. I mean, I've been in robbing for years, but I've never seen anything like this. (翻译:哎呀 我是说 我做强盗这么多年 从没看过像这样的东西)

6. And so that ball is robbing the star of energy, and it's that energy that is supporting the star itself. (翻译:铁球抢去恒星的能量 而那些正是维持恒星生命的能量)

7. Everything, we've tried everything... except robbing a bank. (翻译:一切 我们已想尽一切办法... 除抢劫银行以外)

8. RenXiaoXi food and drink piao wager, because everything in YiChuan after robbing kill executed. (翻译:任小喜吃喝嫖赌无所不为,后因在宜川抢劫杀人被处决。)

9. Alex and Allen did the robbing and I did the driving them to and from the bank robbing. (翻译:亚历山大和艾伦才是抢匪 我负责在事前和事后接送他们)

10. You can spend the rest of your life beating up people and robbing them. (翻译:你们是不是 认为成群结党去打人 偷东西 恐吓 收保护费 就可以过下半辈子)

11. I daresay you are robbing us (翻译:我大胆的说一句这是趁火打劫 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}I daresay you are robbing us)

12. And the closest any man has ever come to robbing a Las Vegas casino was outside of Caesars in '87. (翻译:而人类史上企图打劫赌城赌场 最接近成功的一次... 是xx年的凯撒宫赌场)

13. Listen, high-minded ideals is one thing, robbing banks is another. (翻译:听着,高尚的理想是一件事,抢银行是另外一件事)

14. Because your father was killed robbing a liquor store... when you were ten years old? (翻译:因为他的父亲被杀害\ Nroubando个卖酒的商店 如果你是10?)

15. The rascals, perhaps, may betake them to robbing. (翻译:那一帮无赖,也许会抢劫。)



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