rokach是什么意思 rokach的中文翻译、读音、例句

rokach是什么意思 rokach的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:11. Republic of Korea (ROK) soldiers march in typical column formation toward the front in August, 1950, during the Pusan Perimeter battle. (11.xx年xx月,参加釜山外围战的大韩民国士兵列队开往前线,公路的旁边是水稻田。)

例句:Withe ach day as I he ard andes aw more about the genocide, a feeling grew of impotency . (每天当我听到看到越来越多关于大屠杀的报道时,我就觉得很无力。)


1. The meeting is to be held on Jeju Island of the ROK from May 29 to 30. (翻译:此次会议将于xx月xx日至xx日在韩国济州岛举行。)

2. He also thanked China for sending the Buddha Finger Sarira of Famen Temple in Shanxi for enshrinement in the ROK. (翻译:他还对陕西法门寺佛指舍利来韩供奉表示感谢。)

3. While the landings at Wonsan and Iwon were still in prospect, the ROK Capital Division had marched steadily up the coast road to Iwon. (翻译:当元山及利原的登陆行动还在计划中时,韩国的首都师就已经沿海岸公路向利原稳步推进了。)

4. The worldwide festivity is expected to be an economic turning point and an opportunity to enhance the international image of ROK. (翻译:这场世界盛事有望成为韩国经济的一个转折点,韩国国际形象也有望通过本次世界杯有所提升。)

5. # wenn ich sie hore, hab ich immer an das gluck gedacht # ach bitte sagt mir, liebt ihr sie meine kleine Lieblingsmelodie (翻译:"就是这个旋律 让我感到幸福无比" "当我听到这旋律 总是幸福不已" "请告诉我 你们也喜欢,我最爱的旋律")

6. ACh is a neurotransmitter-a chemical used to relay, amplify, and modulate signals between neurons and between neurons and other cells. (翻译:乙酰胆碱是一种化学的神经递质,可以延缓,放大,调节神经元之间,神经元和其他细胞之间的信号传导。)

7. It was q u ite a com plicated, layered effect that we had to ach ieve a nd what we d id was a n a ma Iga mation of physica I effects of the pa pers blowi ng a rou nd. (翻译:收到 红色警报 重复 红色警报 预计有不明物体)

8. We understand the sorrow of the ROK people, particularly the bereaved families. (翻译:我们理解韩国人民、尤其是遇难者家属的悲痛心情。)

9. Now she might well sing: Ach! (翻译:现在她可以唱:啊! )

10. He said that the CPPCC shares traditional friendly relations with the ROK National Assembly. (翻译:他说,中国全国政协与韩国国会有着传统友好关系。)

11. Thus, the ROK on Mount Kumgang tourism talks between the two governments made it is difficult to be held as scheduled. (翻译:因此,韩方就金刚山旅游问题提出的双方政府间会谈也很难将如期举行。)

12. Senior military officer from the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Jo Myong Rok, has died of heart disease aged 82. (翻译:朝鲜人民民主主义共和国高级军官赵明录因心脏病逝世,享年xx岁。)

13. Just in case the ROK army loses control on the ground, we scrambled fighter-bombers 10 minutes ago from Osan. (翻译:为了预防你们韩国军队的镇压失败 我们已经在十分钟前 出动了美空军的战斗轰炸机了)

14. Joong-Ang Libo of the ROK: Have the parties reached consensus on the establishment of a working group during the talks? (翻译:韩国《中央日报》:会谈期间,各方有没有达成组建工作组的共识?)

15. E ach studio flat is equipped with ab ath room kitchenette and balcony. (翻译:这种一居室的寓所都有一个卫生间、一个厨房和一个阳台。)

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