rostovtzeff是什么意思 rostovtzeff的中文翻译、读音、例句

rostovtzeff是什么意思 rostovtzeff的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:{\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} You've worked all week for this. (你们训练了一个星期就是为了展示训练的效果。)


例句:Prince Andre, may I present the Countess Rostova... and her brother Petya Rostov. (安德鲁王子 这是若斯多女伯爵 和她的弟弟皮塔)


例句:Hustle forward a medicine to Lao Tze? (赶紧给老子上药? )


1. Hustle forward a medicine to Lao Tze? (翻译:赶紧给老子上药? )

2. Some villagers reached the conclusion that it was better to depend on themselves and Mao Tze-tung than on a god. (翻译:村子里一部分人得出了这样的结论:靠老天爷还不如靠自己,不如靠。)

3. When Rostov talked of it, Denisov did not listen. (翻译:当罗斯托夫谈论此事的时候,杰尼索夫不听他说话。)

4. {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} if you're lucky. (翻译:因为踢球的周薪最高才15镑。如果幸运的话, 你能踢到xx岁才退休)

5. {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} It's a struggle to get in the team. (翻译:不仅需要努力为了进入球队, 更要奋斗为了在球队留下一席之地。)

6. keep smiling. {\cHFFFFFF}{\cH00FF00} Time'll come. (翻译:继续努力,继续微笑面对,机会自然降临到你身上。)

7. Centuries ago the great Chinese philosopher, Lao Tze, wrote that the way of heaven is to benefit others. (翻译:数千年前,中国伟大的哲人老子写道:天之道,利而不害。)

8. V. STANITSIN as Ilya Andreyevich Rostov (翻译:安德烈・博尔孔斯基... ... 维亚切斯拉夫)

9. Check the FF information from HR PeopleSoft and maintain the FF structure in the CRM. (翻译:核查从HR系统中下传的销售人员信息,并在CRM系统中维护销售队伍组织架构;)

10. O. TABAKOV as Nikolai Rostov N. RODIN, S. ERMILOV as Petya Rostov (翻译:T・罗斯托娃... ... K・格洛科夫)

11. Tze-wo adheres to the maxim "healthy in body, healthy in mind, " and sees sport as a good complement to studying. (翻译:子和对“体魄强健才能发挥才智”这句格言身体力行,将体育视为学习生活的必要补充。)

12. Rostov almost screamed, putting both his hands up to his hair. (翻译:罗斯托夫伸出一双手,托住了头发,几乎喊了一声。)

13. You are brave enough to go back to Lan York Tze alone, will you be scared by me? (翻译:你这么大胆,独自回兰若寺都不怕 怕我吓你?)

14. Rostov, where are you? (翻译:罗斯托夫,你在哪儿? )

15. When he returned to Rostov, Mr. Hong was greeted by saluting fans at the airport. (翻译:当他返回罗斯托夫时,球迷们在机场热烈欢迎他的到来。)



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