rostlund是什么意思 rostlund的中文翻译、读音、例句

rostlund是什么意思 rostlund的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Andrew Lund is a professor of film and media at Hunter College in New York. (Andrew Lund是纽约亨特学院电影媒体系的教授。)

例句:Miss Lund, she is very beautiful, yes but you were never interested in any woman. (林小姐,她非常美丽,不错 可是你从不对任何女人感兴趣)


1. Boys wave Polish flag as they cheer during the main round match between Poland and Serbia at the Men's Handball World Championship in Lund. (翻译:在瑞典隆德举行的世界男子手球锦标赛上,男孩们在波兰与塞尔维亚的主赛局中挥动波兰国旗欢呼。)

2. Shevchenko went on a solo run which was only halted inside the area by the lunging Rost. (翻译:舍甫琴科不久又单骑闯关,但在禁区内被罗斯特阻止。)

3. These two boys saw the killers. They came into Henry's Diner looking for Lund. (翻译:这两个人看过杀手 他们到亨利的餐馆去找拉恩)

4. Remove flesh from rost duck. Shred. (翻译:取下烤鸭上面的肉,切碎。)

5. That's Christian Lund, your teammate, the star player under contract for 6.3 million? (翻译:这是克里斯蒂安・兰德 你的队友 合约价值630万的明星球手)

6. It is now expected that the study, from Lund Unversity in Sweden, will encourage further investigation into the health impacts of commuting and the best forms of transportation. (翻译:据称,瑞典隆德大学的这一研究预计将促使人们进一步去调查通勤对健康的影响,以及最佳的出行方式。)

7. There are the Rost Mountains, " Wren said." (翻译:“那些是罗斯特山,”雷恩说。)

8. The group is two-thirds owned by the Norwegian state but Mr Lund insisted it was a "non-political entity" . (翻译:该公司三分之二股权由挪威政府持有,但伦德坚持称该公司“不是政治实体。”)

9. I'd like a copy of the report on Lund's fingerprints soon as you get it. (翻译:我想要一份有关拉恩指纹的 报告希望你尽快能给我)

10. May I recommend the rost duck, sir? (翻译:先生,我可以向你介绍烧鹅吗? )

11. One reason might be that the smallest cars are not driven as many miles on high-speed roadways, Mr. Lund said. (翻译:究其原因,可能是体型最小的车辆的高速公路行驶里程不如小型车,Lund先生如是说。)

12. - Lund worked for them. - Well, the policy is now payable. (翻译:拉恩是他们公司的 嗯现在可以支付这些保险)

13. When the Leonora arrives on the scene, Lund and our rib driver start whistling to the whales. (翻译:来到现场时,朗德和我们的橡皮艇驾驶开始对那些鲸鱼吹口哨。)

14. Scientists at Lund University in Sweden have found a gene that appears to lie behind many of the most severe urinary tract infections. (翻译:瑞典Lund大学的科学家们已经发现了一种基因,这种基因是很多泌尿系统感染的发生原因。)

15. He was the talk of the town from the Beltway to Broadway aided in no small part by his new wife and manager, Maxine Lund. (翻译:他是从百威到百老汇的话题焦点 他的新婚太太兼经纪人 美心庐德功不可没)

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