rotary concentrator通常被翻译为"转筒选机"的意思,在英美地区还有"转筒选机"的意思,发音是[rotaryconcentrator],rotary concentrator是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到85个与rotary concentrator相关的句子。
Rotary concentrator的中文翻译
例句:to urge chubs to consider Alumni as potential members of Rotary and as potential contributors to The Rotary foundation; (激励扶轮社考虑前受奖人可能成为扶轮社社员以及可能向扶轮基金捐献;)
rotary concentrator一般作为名词使用,如在dust concentrator(尘器)、fibre concentrator(光纤集线器)、flash concentrator(急骤浓缩器)等常见短语中出现较多。
dust concentrator | 尘器 |
fibre concentrator | 光纤集线器 |
flash concentrator | 急骤浓缩器 |
flux concentrator | 通量集中器 |
gravity concentrator | 重力选矿机 |
high concentrator | [化] 后浓缩器 |
James concentrator | 詹姆斯摇床 |
Johnson concentrator | 约翰逊精选机 |
latex concentrator | [化] 胶乳浓缩机 |
1. ECT was also used to investigate the volumetric concentration distribution of solids in the cyclone concentrator. (翻译:同时,采用ECT测量了管道截面上固体颗粒的浓度分布。)
2. They are already gainfully employed, and they know what good Rotary does in the world. (翻译:他们已经上班赚钱,并且他们知道扶轮为世界所做的好事。)
3. That summer, Carly set off with her family across Ohio, visiting three or four Rotary clubs a week. (翻译:整个夏天,Carly和家人一起走遍了俄亥俄州,一周内走访了Rotary俱乐部近四分之三的成员。)
4. The accounts of official Rotary regional magazines are to be audited and a report made annually to the publications' subscribers . (翻译:扶轮公式地域杂志的帐务需要接受稽核,并每年对出版物的订阅者们提出一份报告。)
5. Influence of the residues on the runnability of rotary limekiln in alkali recovery (翻译:碱回收过程中杂质对回转式石灰窑运行的影响)
6. Application of ZPG -72 Disc Filter in Nanfen Concentrator (翻译:ZPG-72型盘式真空过滤机在南芬选矿厂的应用)
7. You can use the vibrosieve, the microlaryngoscopic machine or gravity concentrator to concentrated waste. (翻译:可以搁置振动筛、榨取机或重力不稀释器来不稀释废渣。)
8. The Wankel-type rotary engines are very reliable because of their simplicity. (翻译:汪克尔式转子发动机结构简单,非常可靠。)
9. What information is included in the semiannual report to Rotary International? (翻译:对国际扶轮的半年度报告中应包括哪些资讯?)
10. In the case of darkened hiberarchy in quadrochromatic, a rotary-drum scanners. (翻译:差于黑调条理极为丰裕的草稿,倡导拔存滚筒式扫描仪扫描。)
11. System will heat, AutoTune and run a Concentrator cleanout (翻译:系统将加热,系统将加热自动调谐和运行浓缩器清理)
12. Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. (翻译:在转盘下安放永久导向基板。)
13. But so in here when there's electricity, the oxygen concentrator takes in room air. (翻译:但是当有电的时候 氧气集中器就采入室内空气)
14. Model SPK36B series NC rotary tailstock is one of the accessories for the NC rotary table. (翻译:系列数控回转尾座是数控回转工作台配套附件。)
15. Oxygen Concentrator, Breast Pump, Ultrasonic Nebuliser , Compressor Nebuliser , Oxygen Mask Sets Pumps and Pumping Equipment. (翻译:采购产品氧浓缩器,胸部泵,超声波,压缩物,氧面具设定泵和抽泵设备。)