rotated sampling的中文解释是"循环取样法",还有循环取样法的意思,发音是[rotatedsampling],rotated sampling在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到41个与rotated sampling相关的例句。
Rotated sampling的翻译
例句:They weren't sampling these records to cash in on the familiarity of the original stuff. (他们从这些音乐中取样, 也不是为了占原创者的便宜 )
rotated sampling一般作为名词使用,如在rotated(v. (使某物)旋转[转动]( rotate的过去式和过去分词 ); (使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环])、rotated catalog([图情] 轮排目录)、rotated eigenvector(旋转特征向量)等常见短语中出现较多。
rotated | v. (使某物)旋转[转动]( rotate的过去式和过去分词 ); (使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环] |
rotated catalog | [图情] 轮排目录 |
rotated eigenvector | 旋转特征向量 |
rotated font | 旋转字型 |
rotated grip | 扭臂握 |
rotated index | [图情] 轮排索引 |
rotated lamellae | 旋转薄层 |
rotated plate | 旋转板块 |
rotated section | 旋转剖面 |
1. Just rotated back from Afghanistan. (翻译:Just rotated back from Afghanistan.)
2. ESMA adopts efficient double way sampling techniques. (翻译:该算法采用了更加有效的双向采样策略。)
3. Study on the Sampler for Radioxenon Isotopes and its Sampling Efficiency Calibration (翻译:放射性氙同位素取样装置的建立及其效率标定)
4. Is the shape on the left the same as the shape on the right, rotated? (翻译:左边的形状旋转后是不是与右边的完全相同? )
5. In order to guarantee the quality of silkworms eggs, multiple sampling plan is put forward about the sampling inspection of pebrine for mother moth in the silkworm. (翻译:为了保证蚕种质量,提出了家蚕微粒子病母蛾抽样检查的五次抽样方案。)
6. The module of data sampling uses for sampling data of every sensor, inspecting state of sensors and judging stop . (翻译:数据采集模块负责采集各个传感器的数据、检测传感器状态和判断停机。)
7. First, a plunger is pulled and rotated to release the drive and allow it to slide out of the server's case. (翻译:首先,旋转并拉出一个活塞,让硬盘滑出服务器的盒子。)
8. Anyway, this predated the sampling era. (翻译:不管怎样,这是发生在音乐采样的年代之前 )
9. The multiplexers provides the first signals, circularly rotated by an amount determined by the control, as the second signals. (翻译:所述多路复用器提供经循环旋转由所述控制所确定的量的所述第一信号作为所述第二信号。)
10. When I joined the company, I rotated around the different sections. (翻译:我加入这个公司时,轮换过几个不同的部门。)
11. Then the object region on the rotated image is extracted and hierarchically partitioned into a quadtree of multilevel sub-blocks. (翻译:然后对旋转后的图像提取目标区域,对目标区域用四叉树分解的方法划分多级分块;)
12. Rotated rheometer was used to determine the yield stress of lithium lubricating grease. (翻译:选用旋转流变仪测定了锂基润滑脂的屈服应力。)
13. Well trained in any terrain. The units rotated constantly, the elite. (翻译:很好地适应在任何地形下作战 这些人转身行动一致,是精英)
14. Research on the Conversion Factors Between Risetime and Bandwidth of Broadband Sampling Oscilloscope (翻译:宽带取样示波器上升时间与带宽的转换系数的研究)
15. When the dome was rotated, the birds changed their direction to match the artificial sky. (翻译:当圆屋顶旋转时,鸟儿们改变了方向,以适应人造天空。)