rotary sweeper通常被翻译为"旋转扫路机"的意思,作为名词时有"旋转扫路机"的意思,单词读音音标为[rotarysweeper],rotary sweeper是一个英语名词,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到83个与rotary sweeper相关的例句。
Rotary sweeper的翻译
例句:The daughter works in real estate, member of the Rotary Club... (ㄠ┬玻穨暗ㄆ疭贾场Θ The daughter works in real estate, member of the Rotary Club...)
rotary sweeper一般作为名词使用,如在sweeper(n. 清扫夫\n[机] 扫刷)、ditch sweeper(排水沟疏浚机)、engine sweeper(扫路机)等常见短语中出现较多。
sweeper | n. 清扫夫\n[机] 扫刷 |
ditch sweeper | 排水沟疏浚机 |
engine sweeper | 扫路机 |
floor sweeper | 地面扫除器 |
frush sweeper | 清扫毛刷 |
horse sweeper | 马拉扫路机 |
lawn sweeper | 草坪清理机 |
magnetic sweeper | 磁力清扫机;磁铁清扫机 |
mechanical sweeper | 扫除机;扫路机 |
1. The Shepherdess cried and looked at her beloved Chimney Sweeper. (翻译:牧羊女哭着望向她心爱的扫烟囱的小伙子。)
2. The accounts of official Rotary regional magazines are to be audited and a report made annually to the publications' subscribers . (翻译:扶轮公式地域杂志的帐务需要接受稽核,并每年对出版物的订阅者们提出一份报告。)
3. for all intents and purposes, an annual gathering of Rotary leaders and shapers of our movement's future devoted to Rotary learning. (翻译:它亦是每年扶轮领导人和我们运动的未来的塑造者聚集,为所有意图和目的,一起致力于扶轮学习。)
4. You're a sweeper! (翻译:你是一个清洁工! )
5. Sweeper Team A, inform Archminister Daxus we have the remaining Hemophages cornered on the 21 st floor. (翻译:A扫荡小组,通知执政官得克萨斯... 我们已经把残余的感染者逼到了21楼)
6. Model SPK36B series NC rotary tailstock is one of the accessories for the NC rotary table. (翻译:系列数控回转尾座是数控回转工作台配套附件。)
7. In Belize, members of a local Rotary club help manage a prison. (翻译:在伯利兹城,当地扶轮社的成员帮助管理一家监狱。)
8. The Wankel-type rotary engines are very reliable because of their simplicity. (翻译:汪克尔式转子发动机结构简单,非常可靠。)
9. "If that grocer, street-sweeper, if they really knew what I was doing, (翻译:如果杂货店, 街道清洁,如果他们 真正知道我在做什么)
10. The rotary agitator irrigated him. (翻译:旋转的鼓动者把他弄湿了。)
11. Rotary International's offices are located just north of Chicago in downtown Evanston . (翻译:国际扶轮办事处正好位于芝加哥北方的伊文斯顿商业区内。)
12. Yes, we do a lot for the Rotary. (翻译:我们给扶轮社很多面子 Yes, we do a lot for the Rotary.)
13. Rotary kiln is the central equipment of NSP production line. (翻译:回转窑是新型干法生产的中心设备。)
14. CAE Designs and builds rotary swagers for a variety of applications. (翻译:CAE设计公司设计和制造了用于多种应用的旋转锤锻机。)
15. The valve is allowed to move vertically and oscillating rotary motion is possible. (翻译:可允许该阀垂直移动,并可以来回旋转运动。)