rotating seat通常被翻译为"动密封、旋转"的意思,还经常被翻译为座,在线读音是[rotatingseat],rotating seat是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到29个与rotating seat相关的句子。
Rotating seat的中文翻译
例句:Is your mother dating an undertaker? (Please fasten your seat belts, ladies.)
例句:Rotating the frequencies was her idea. (更换频道就是她的主意 Rotating the frequencies was her idea. 那她和我们的案子有什么关系?)
例句:They knew which seat he was in. (They knew which seat he was in.)
例句:Please have a seat, Mr. Donovan. (翻译:请坐 多诺万先生 Please, have a seat, Mr. Donovan.)
rotating seat一般作为名词使用,如在seat at(坐在…的旁边)、seat on(使(某人)坐在…的上面; 把…安在…上)、rotating([医] 旋转的, 转动的)等常见短语中出现较多。
seat at | 坐在…的旁边 |
seat on | 使(某人)坐在…的上面; 把…安在…上 |
rotating | [医] 旋转的, 转动的 |
die seat | 模座 |
drop seat | (出租汽车、公共汽车等内的)折叠(座)椅;(内连衣裤或儿童睡衣裤的可打开下落的)后镶片, 下落的臀位, 活裆 |
dropped seat | 凹椅座 |
double seat | 双座 |
disk seat | 阀座 |
driver seat | [网络] 司机座椅;驾驶员座椅;驾驶座 |
1. They knew which seat he was in. (翻译:They knew which seat he was in.)
2. Please have a seat, Mr. Donovan. (翻译:请坐 多诺万先生 Please, have a seat, Mr. Donovan.)
3. - You want a seat on the plane? (翻译:你想搭飞机吗 {\3cH202020}You want a seat on the plane)
4. Do you want to just take a seat? (翻译:您能先找张椅子坐下吗 Do you want to just take a seat?)
5. However, I recommend that while you're in your seats, keep your seatbelts fastened at all times. (翻译:However, I recommend that while seated, keep your seat belts fastened.)
6. We saved a seat, just for you. (翻译:We saved a seat, just for you.)
7. Helicity depicts dynamic feature of fluid that is rotating while moving along the rotating direction. (翻译:螺旋度是表征流体边旋转边沿旋转方向运动的动力性质的物理量。)
8. You might better get yourself a seat now. (翻译:大家快坐好 You might better get yourself a seat now.)
9. Do you want a hat or a seat cushion? (翻译:要帽子还是坐垫 Do you want a hat or a seat cushion?)
10. That lifetime, rotating mountains, waters and stupas. (翻译:那一世,转山转水转佛塔。)
11. And use the briefcase as a booster seat. (翻译:再用这个箱子当个椅子 and use the briefcase as a booster seat.)
12. It has a seat in the Lords. (翻译:It has a seat in the Lords.)
13. It seems we have a seat to fill. (翻译:看来现在缺个人了 It seems we have a seat to fill.)
14. - Fasten your seatbelt, man. (翻译:- Fast your seat belt in.)
15. Please find a seat and put your seat belts on. (翻译:请坐好并系好安全带 Please find a seat and put your seat belts on.)