rotating monochromator是什么意思 rotating monochromator的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotating monochromator是什么意思 rotating monochromator的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotating monochromator的中文解释是"旋转单色器",作为名词时有"旋转单色器"的意思,在线读音是[rotatingmonochromator],rotating monochromator是一个英语名词,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到24个与rotating monochromator相关的例句。

Rotating monochromator的中文翻译


例句:UNPIVOT performs almost the reverse operation of PIVOT, by rotating columns into rows. (UNPIVOT将与PIVOT执行几乎完全相反的操作,将列转换为行。)


rotating monochromator一般作为名词使用,如在monochromator(n. [物]单色器, 单色仪, 单色光镜)、rotating([医] 旋转的, 转动的)、double monochromator(双单色仪)等常见短语中出现较多。

monochromatorn. [物]单色器, 单色仪, 单色光镜
rotating[医] 旋转的, 转动的
double monochromator双单色仪
emission monochromator发射光,荧光单色器
excitation monochromator激发单色器
focal monochromator聚焦单色仪
focusing monochromator焦单色器
grating monochromator光栅单色仪
Littrow monochromator利特罗单色仪


1. Combined with spraying roller, overflow tank, beans absorber, rotating water segregator . (翻译:设备由喷淋、滚筒、溢流槽、吸豆泵、去石分离器组成。)

2. The Falkirk Wheel in Scotland is the world's first and only rotating boat lift. (翻译:苏格兰的福尔柯克大转轮是世界上第一个也是唯一一个轮渡升降机。)

3. Keep singing the mantra and rotating. After a few minutes, drop your hands close to your body and continue rotating clockwise. (翻译:持续吟唱并旋转。几分钟后,在继续顺时针旋转的同时,放下你们的双手直到贴近你们的身体。)

4. Armature. Use with rotating machine shape to add armature. (翻译:电枢。用旋转机器形状来添加电枢。)

5. Unlike a regular centrifuge, this is a counter-rotating centrifuge. (翻译:跟普通离心机不同, 这是一个反向旋转的离心机。)

6. Calculation of Unsteady Flow for Interaction between Rotating Impeller and Vaned Diffuser (翻译:旋转叶轮和叶片扩压器耦合的非定常流动计算)

7. Regulation is accomplished by rotating the handwheel clockwise. (翻译:规则要求按顺时针方向旋转手轮。)

8. It achieves this by rotating LEDs about two axes. (翻译:这是通过在两个轨道旋转二极发光管来实现的。)

9. 2D characters in a 3D rotating world. (翻译:一个平面的小精灵在可旋转的立体世界中游走)

10. The ellipse rotating symmetric group is proposed, which is an Abelian group. (翻译:提出椭圆旋转对称群,它是一个单参数阿贝尔群。)

11. The needle that pointed to the direction that came the volcanic ashes began rotating randomly. (翻译:火山灰出现之后指针就开始 极速的混乱摆动著)

12. Effect of the Primary Horizontal Suspension Stiffness on the Yawing of Independent Rotating Wheels (翻译:一系水平悬挂刚度对独立旋转车轮摇头振动的影响)

13. Complexation Extraction of TBP and Phenol in Impinging Stream- Rotating Packed Bed (翻译:撞击流旋转填料床内磷酸三丁酯对苯酚的络合萃取)

14. If you did all correct you will see the pedestals also are rotating. (翻译:如果你正确处理了,你会看到基座也开始旋转了。)

15. The winds push the ocean beneath them into the same rotating gyres. (翻译:流动的大气推动其下的海水 形成了同样的流涡。)

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