rotor driven screen是什么意思 rotor driven screen的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotor driven screen是什么意思 rotor driven screen的中文翻译、读音、例句

rotor driven screen在英语中代表"振动筛"的意思,还经常被翻译为振动筛,发音是[rotordrivenscreen],rotor driven screen常被用作名词,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到54个与rotor driven screen相关的句子。

Rotor driven screen的中文翻译


例句:Then we can use the one behind the screen. (Then we can use the one behind the screen.)


rotor driven screen一般作为名词使用,如在rotor vibrating screen(un. 旋转振动筛)、driven at(na. 打算)、driven in([网络] 推进)等常见短语中出现较多。

rotor vibrating screenun. 旋转振动筛
driven atna. 打算
driven in[网络] 推进
on screenadj. 屏幕上的;荧屏的;影视的;扮演的\n[网络] 在屏幕上;萤幕显示功能;银幕内外
on the screen[网络] 在屏幕上;在银幕上;在荧屏上
screen in[网络] 屏幕
the screen[网络] 屏幕;银幕;荧光屏
diesel driven柴油机驱动


1. The screen name was blackflagbaby, (翻译:and there was this one user... 他的网名是黑旗宝贝 The screen name was BlackFlagBaby,)

2. And if you manipulate the speed of this rotor, you are actually able to crack the rotor and eventually even have the centrifuge explode. (翻译:如果控制这个转子的速度, 实际上就能破解转子 并甚至最终能让离心机爆炸。)

3. NYP rotor pumps are mainly internal and external rotor, shaft, pump body, the front cover, brackets, seal and bearing etc. (翻译:NY P转子泵主要有内、外转子、轴、泵体、前盖、托架、密封、轴承等组成。)

4. Electric machines are composed of stator and rotor. (翻译:电机是由定子和转子两部分构成的。)

5. HSPM Machine; Mechanical Characteristics; Electromagnetic Characteristics; Rotor Dynamic Characteristics; Rotor Design. (翻译:高速永磁电机;机械特性;电磁特性;转子动力特性;转子设计。)

6. Because only one screen session exists, you can reattach to it directly with screen -r. (翻译:因为只有一个screen会话,所以可以直接用screen - r重新连接它。)

7. Rotor MateriaI Selection of Circulation Fan. (翻译:循环风机转子材质的选择。)

8. But for Fred, as an individual it was only the beginning of a screen career that would delight several generations of moviegoers. (翻译:But for Fred, as an individual... 不过对于弗雷德个人而言 was only the beginning of a screen career...)

9. And the other way around, if you increase the speed of rotor three and decrease the speed of rotor one, then the robot pitches forward. (翻译:反之亦然 当三号螺旋桨加速 一号减速时 飞行器就向前倒 )

10. * Buddy, you can turn off the screen. (翻译:* Buddy, you can turn off the screen.)

11. As it does, the rotor gains energy. (翻译:像它所做的那样,转子取得了能量。)

12. Only a few species were driven to extinction. (翻译:只有很少一部分物种遭到灭绝 Only a few species were driven to extinction.)

13. So in this picture you see that rotor four is spinning faster and rotor two is spinning slower. (翻译:从这张照片 你能看到四号螺旋桨旋转加速 同时二号螺旋桨转速变慢)

14. Munters zeolite rotor concentrator is integrated with a direct gas fired air heater to provide necessary heat for rotor regeneration. (翻译:我们生产的转子集中器配备燃气空气加热器,为转子回热提供必须的热量。)

15. Helical rotor is the most important part of rotor flow meter, and its section shape is normally formed by involute and cycloid. (翻译:螺旋转子是转子流量仪表中的心脏零部件,其截面形状一般由渐开线和摆线组合而成。)

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