roundabout plowing是什么意思 roundabout plowing的中文翻译、读音、例句

roundabout plowing是什么意思 roundabout plowing的中文翻译、读音、例句

roundabout plowing通常被翻译为"回转耕法"的意思,其次还有"连续耕法"的意思,读音为[roundaboutplowing],roundabout plowing来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到93个与roundabout plowing相关的句子。

Roundabout plowing的中文翻译


例句:The Civil War gave us Tabasco in a much more roundabout way. (内战用一种更迂回的方式带给了我们塔巴斯科辣沙司。)


例句:Sir, we lost him after the bridge, but he had three options on the roundabout... (我们在桥上失去了他的踪迹,但他在环岛路上只有三个去向)


roundabout plowing一般作为名词使用,如在roundabout(迂回的)、plowing(n. 翻耕, 耕作)、plowing into(na. 奋力投入(工作))等常见短语中出现较多。

plowingn. 翻耕, 耕作
plowing intona. 奋力投入(工作)
plowing on[网络] 犁着
mini roundaboutn. 迷你环岛\n[网络] 微形环交;微型环交
roundabout chair角椅
roundabout circuit迂回电路
roundabout dog[网络] 迂回的狗
roundabout dogs[网络] 迂回的狗


1. I want two miles, to start from the roundabout. Hey Charlie, recheck the screen. (翻译:给我环岛路四面的监控录像,嘿查理,刷新一下显示屏)

2. Adjustable ridge plough is suitable for the ridging after the plowing, it can match the tractor. (翻译:可调式起垄犁主要适用于垄种作业的农田耕后起垄,与拖拉机配套使用。)

3. The Civil War gave us Tabasco in a much more roundabout way. (翻译:美国内战用一种更迂回的方式带给了我们塔巴斯科辣沙司。)

4. It was a difficult and roundabout trip. (翻译:这是一次艰难而曲折的旅行。)

5. This is a merry-go-round invented by the company Roundabout, which pumps water as kids play. You know? (翻译:这是由Roundabout公司开发的旋转木马 孩子一边玩 一边就给水泵提水 )

6. Japan, too, has been arming itself in a roundabout way. (翻译:日本也在用迂回的方法武装自己。)

7. Usually he managed to find plenty of work to tide him over spring and the first month Of summer . Helping with lambing and plowing . (翻译:一般情况下,他还勉强能找到不少活,如帮人接羊羔、犁犁田之类的事。以此来维持春闲和初夏时的生计。)

8. Do not cross diagonally over a junction or use the centre island of a roundabout, unless there is a pedestrian crossing. (翻译:除非路口设置有行人过路处,否则不可以对角越过路口,也不可使用回旋处中央的安全岛。)

9. "It ends up being a roundabout way to tax people," Hauter says. (翻译:“到头来还是要迂回向民众征税”,豪特说。)

10. The kids were pushing the roundabout at a giddy speed. (翻译:孩子们推动着旋转平台快得令人眩晕。)

11. He circuited a roundabout three times. (翻译:他在一个转盘路绕了三圈。)

12. It means that, in a roundabout way, we are all fighting for the same thing, Kiera. (翻译:这意味着 绕来绕去 琪拉 我们都是在同一个目标而战斗)

13. The only way to break down soil compaction is through traditional moldboard plowing or the use of a subsoiler. (翻译:唯一的办法是用传统的犁板耕作或使用深耕铲打散压紧的泥土。)

14. New snowfall widens the plowing. (翻译:新的降雪使耕地更加宽阔。)

15. The agricultural machines they saw were for plowing, for harvesting, for irrigating, for hulling and for food processing. (翻译:所见的农机具包括耕耙机具、收割与脱粒机具、灌溉机具、食品加工机具等。)

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