rubbie是什么意思 rubbie的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubbie是什么意思 rubbie的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Wet your finger and rub the caulking smooth. (手指沾水后把边抹平滑。)


例句:Rub the angry out of the tummy. (揉揉肚子就不生气了啊 Rub the angry out of the tummy.)


1. Rubbing the forehead is a greeting. (翻译:蹭额头是欢迎仪式,表示和平 Rub the forehead is a greeting.)

2. A man whether he has bie or small aspirations will secceed so long as he has tried hie best with perseverance. (翻译:人不论志气大小,只要尽力而为,矢志不渝,就一定能如愿以偿。)

3. She sometimes asks if I want a back rub. (翻译:她有时问我是否想要一次背部按摩。)

4. This is online map of the address "Bai Ba Zhen Lian Bie Cun , Nyingchi County, Nyingchi Prefecture, Tibet Autonomous Region, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国西藏自治区林芝地区林芝县百巴镇连别村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

5. But Jessica Alba did rub my furry belly. (翻译:But Jessica Alba did rub my furry belly.)

6. Someone I can rub in his face. (翻译:给他点颜色看看 Someone I can rub in his face.)

7. The gold colouring had begun to rub off. (翻译:金黄色已经开始剥落了。)

8. She gave her knee a quick rub. (翻译:她很快地揉了揉膝盖。)

9. The UBL developers detail the BIEs in spreadsheets, and create XML schemas by applying NDRs. (翻译:UBL 开发人员用表格详细地描述了 BIE,并使用 NDR 创建了 XML 模式。)

10. Bie Lee Kopf also received a. (翻译:别里科夫也接到一份。)

11. Rub it on, then immediately wipe it off with a washcloth or tissue. (翻译:抹上之后,立刻用毛巾或湿巾擦试干净。)

12. Afterwards, they generally wallow in the dirt and rub up against the trees, (翻译:他们会在泥土上打滚 然后用力顶树干...)

13. Just rub it lightly on the eyelids and one could see spirits. (翻译:我们只要轻轻擦在眼盖上 就可以看到所谓的游魂野鬼)

14. They rub particular rocks with their cheeks and then spray them with urine. (翻译:像这样用脸颊摩擦特定的岩石 再喷射上自己的尿液)

15. These distinctions make up the business context that turns the component into a UBL BIE. (翻译:这些区别组成的业务上下文就把组件转化成了UBLBIE。)

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