rubiginol是什么意思 rubiginol的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubiginol是什么意思 rubiginol的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. 英语:Iron oxide, also known as rust or rubiginol, is a reddish-brown powder.


2. 法语:L’oxyde de fer, également connu sous le nom de rouille ou de rubiginol, est une poudre rouge-brun.


3. 德语:Eisenoxid, auch als Rost oder Rubiginol bekannt, ist ein rötlich-braunes Pulver.


4. 西班牙语:El óxido de hierro, también conocido como óxido o rubiginol, es un polvo rojizo-marrón.


5. 葡萄牙语:O óxido de ferro, também conhecido como ferrugem ou rubiginol, é um pó avermelhado-marrom.


6. 意大利语:L'ossido di ferro, anche noto come ruggine o rubiginol, è una polvere rossastro-marrone.


7. 俄语:Оксид железа, также известный как ржавчина или рубигинол, является красновато-коричневым порошком.


8. 阿拉伯语:أكسيد الحديد، المعروف أيضًا باسم الصدأ أو رابيجينول، هو مسحوق بني أحمر.


9. 日语:酸化鉄、またはサビやルビギノールとしても知られる赤褐色の粉末です。





例句:This is a big thing going on right now. (Um... Ok! This is big!)


1. Big smiles for the Big Apple! (翻译:Showtime, everyone! Big smiles for the Big Apple!)

2. ♪ I say, the ol' North wind ♪ (翻译:{\fn华文楷体\fs12\1cH0080FF\i1}♪是的 是北风♪)

3. Jesus, March Hare to Big Bopper. (翻译:March Hare 呼叫 Big Bopper)

4. She and the other lady, they left in a big hurry. (翻译:they left in a big hurry.)

5. -Big Daddy and Big Mama are inside. (翻译:- Big Daddy和Big Mama进去了)

6. - Didn't get the bike, did you? (翻译:did you? - No big deal.)

7. Now, you know cotton is ready when the bud splits... and the boll is star-shaped... like a big ol' star in the sky. (翻译:此时,当棉铃裂开时就意味着棉花已经成熟了 棉球是星形的 如同是镶嵌在夜空中一颗古老的星星.)

8. All right, one for the big daddy... (翻译:one for the big daddy -)

9. When content of Ru is lower, the structure of coat is Sn-base sosoloid. (翻译:钌含量较低时,主要为锡基固溶体。)

10. Megakhuimyak thinks that the main problem of Kazakhstani literature and arts is their irrelevance and lack of topicality [ru] (翻译:Megakhuimyak认为,哈萨克斯坦文学与艺术的主要问题,在于与现实脱节及缺乏时事性)

11. I took down half of the ol. (翻译:水池我搞定了一半 I took down half of the pool.)

12. So I set up your lol account, but you're gonna need a name. (翻译:我帮你设定I OL的账户 不过你需要一个代号)

13. If this is too big for you... (翻译:If this is too big for you...)

14. ♪ with that same big loud opinion ♪ (翻译:♪With that same big loud opinion♪)

15. Hey, John, this is perfect, with the LM, you and the ol' flag. (翻译:约翰,这太完美了 你和登月舱还有我们的国旗)

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