rubios是什么意思 rubios的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubios是什么意思 rubios的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:- Your copy will be written for you to approve. You've got Marco Rubio, Sandra Bernhard... (脚本写好后 会给你送去 {\3cH202020}Your copy will be written for you to approve. {\fn方正黑体简体\fs16\b1\bord1\shad1\3cH2F2F2F}福罗里达州参议员 茶党成员)


例句:# This w-word s-so s-sweet that I r-repeat (# This w -word s -so s)


1. Mr. Rubio, were you aware of any previous conflicts between my client, Joey, and the victim? (翻译:Rubio先生 我的委托人Joey和被害人)

2. But, says Mr Rubio, "We have to be practical." (翻译:但是他又说,“我们必须实际一点。” )

3. Mr Rubio is wooing them by vowing to stand up to Mr Obama: on taxes, on health care and on cap-and-trade. (翻译:鲁比奥先生呼吁他们支持他,他发誓要在税收,医疗改革和限额贸易问题上与奥巴马对抗。)

:// (翻译://

5. No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (翻译:不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)

6. But the SSR is myopic when it comes to Howard Stark, which is why I have been conducting my own investigation. (翻译:战略科研署在斯塔克的事情上太短视了 But the S. S. R.)

7. This is the S.S. Great Western that he built to take care of the second half of that journey. (翻译:这就是他建造的S.S大西部铁路 连接旅程的第二段。)

8. Oh, you know, quite fabulous. (翻译:非常可爱 Écoute, euh... très, très chouette.)

9. It represented his ticket out of Rubio, in the Andes, to a life of glamour, fame and ever-attentive women. (翻译:它代表了他再安第斯山脉卢比奥以外候选人名单,他过着一种充满魅力,名望的生活,有一个一直对他很体贴的女人。)

10. Vince, via text, what is IW2.. SUTWTC means? (翻译:这意味着我W Y N Y T T S S 短信语言?)

11. Marco Rubio is about to address another crowd of conservative Floridians. (翻译:马里科鲁比奥将对另一群佛罗里达的保守派发表演讲。)

12. The raisins. No, no, no. Not swollen, not disintegrated. (翻译:葡萄既没有发胀也没有发皱 Les raisins, non, ni gonflés ni fripés.)

13. Magician searched for a white rooster for a very long time, (翻译:魔术师找了很久白色的公鸡 Le magicien, il a cherché le coq blanc très très très longtemps.)

14. You will get your throat slit just like chickens! (翻译:Vous allez mourir égorgés!)

15. I'll turn them all into Iranoffs, Buljanoffs, and Kopalskis. (翻译:我会把他们变成伊万诺夫s 布杰诺夫s和卡巴斯基s)



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