rudder arm是什么意思 rudder arm的中文翻译、读音、例句

rudder arm是什么意思 rudder arm的中文翻译、读音、例句

rudder arm的中文解释是"舵臂",还经常被翻译为舵臂,发音是[rudderarm],rudder arm是一个英语名词,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到80个与rudder arm相关的例句。

Rudder arm的释义


例句:I repeat, arm weapons and prepare to fire. (I repeat: Arm weapons and prepare to fire. 收到。)


rudder arm一般作为名词使用,如在rudder(舵 )、drop rudder(下降舵)、drag rudder(阻力方向舵)等常见短语中出现较多。

drop rudder下降舵
drag rudder阻力方向舵
ease the rudder【航海学】回舵
Ease the rudder!ease the rudder\n【航海学】回舵
diving rudder潜水舵
equipoise rudder[网络] 平衡舵
equipoised rudder平衡舵
effect of rudder[网络] 舵效


1. It says things like a stroke t, arm, las stroke mach... (翻译:A―E―R―I―M字毋 A -stroke -T, ARM, IAS)

2. Your mind-control robot arm is hackable after all. (翻译:-control robot arm is hackable after all.)

3. Rudder Anodes, Prop Nut Anodes, Replacement Prop Anodes. (翻译:船舵阳极,支柱螺帽阳极,更换支柱阳极。)

4. Rudder offset is simply adjusted by the length of the pushrod. (翻译:鲁德尔抵消只是由推杆长度调整。)

5. The primary flight controls consist of the ailerons, elevators , and rudder. (翻译:主飞行控制系统包含副翼、升降舵及方向舵。)

6. The computer steers a rudder, which is usually the only external moving part. (翻译:电脑掌舵,这通常是唯一的外部可动设备。)

7. Remember, right arm, left foot. (翻译:All right, you guys. Remember, right arm, left foot.)

8. ## When Vince Carter came, stuck his arm in the rim ## (翻译:[When Vince Carter came, stuck his arm in the rim])

9. Inspection alignment of stock, rudder blade and pintle. (翻译:舵杆、舵叶、舵销连接后中心线检查。)

10. Wouldn't it save time to lay the rails while you finish the rudder? (翻译:一边做方向舵一边铺轨道 不是比较省时间吗?)

11. A rudder servo controller for hexapod robot platform is designed. (翻译:设计了应用于小型六足仿生机器人的舵机控制器。)

12. The island did not have the proper resources to mend our rudder. (翻译:因为岛上没有足够的公共资源来完全修补的我的船)

13. Most of the controls'll be in the bridge back to the engine, rudder and prop. (翻译:大部分操纵装置都在 引擎 船舵和推进器后的船桥里)

14. Inspection machining dimension of rudder pintle. (翻译:舵销机加工尺寸检查。)

15. Rudder pintle to be fitted with nut. (翻译:舵栓要用螺母安装。)

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