runyon是什么意思 runyon的中文翻译、读音、例句

runyon是什么意思 runyon的中文翻译、读音、例句

作为名词,'runyon' 通常指一种落基山脉的山脊,也可用于指一种运动鞋品牌的名称。这个词没有其他明显的词性或词根含义。


1. Runyon Canyon Park:一个著名的城市公园,位于洛杉矶的好莱坞地区,被认为是一个流行的健身和远足目的地。

2. Runyon Saltzman Einhorn, Inc.:一家总部位于加利福尼亚州萨克拉门托市的广告公司。

3. Runyon's Restaurant:美国路易斯安那州新奥尔良的一家著名的餐厅。

4. Runyon v. McCrary:一项美国最高法院的裁决,涉及了司法管辖权和在私人学校中倡导平等权利的争论。






1. The runyon was a challenging but scenic hike through the Rocky Mountains. (这个 runyon 是一次穿越落基山脉的挑战性但风景秀丽的远足。)

2. I just bought a new pair of runyon sneakers for my morning jogs. (我刚刚为早晨慢跑买了一双新的 runyon 运动鞋。)

3. Let's meet up at Runyon Canyon Park for a workout later this afternoon. (我们今天下午晚些时候去 Runyon Canyon 公园锻炼吧。)

4. Runyon Saltzman Einhorn, Inc. is one of the most respected advertising agencies in California. (Runyon Saltzman Einhorn 公司是加州最受尊敬的广告公司之一。)

5. Have you ever eaten at Runyon's Restaurant in New Orleans? The food is incredible! (你去过新奥尔良的 Runyon 餐厅吗?食物简直棒极了!)

6. The Runyon v. McCrary case was an important milestone in the fight for equal rights in private schools. (Runyon v. McCrary 的案件是私立学校争取平等权利斗争中的重要里程碑。)

7. She scrambled up the steep, rocky runyon, her heart pounding with excitement and exertion. (她艰难地爬上陡峭的岩石 runyon,心跳加速,既兴奋又疲惫。)



1. Runyon Canyon Park is a popular hiking spot in Los Angeles. (鲁宾峡谷公园是洛杉矶一个受欢迎的徒步旅行地点。)

2. The Runyon family has lived in this neighborhood for generations. (鲁宾家族已经在这个社区生活了好几代人了。)

3. I love reading the short stories of Damon Runyon. (我喜欢阅读戴蒙·鲁宾的短篇小说。)




例句:Americans are a good people, they're a just people, Mr. Runyon... and they will forgive you, but they will not forget. (他们有人格,有公义 他们会原谅你,但不会忘记)


例句:Runyon deposed Will's ex-wife today, and, uh... she stated that Will and I had had an affair- (雷恩下令威的前妻作供 她说我和威有婚外情...)


例句:The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. (这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院和DamonRunyon癌症研究基金会的赠款。)


例句:Says she's active duty. Corporal. Probably stationed at Fort Runyon. (翻译:是现役军人 下士 可能驻扎在Fort Runyon)


1. The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. (翻译:这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院和DamonRunyon癌症研究基金会的赠款。)

2. Says she's active duty. Corporal. Probably stationed at Fort Runyon. (翻译:是现役军人 下士 可能驻扎在Fort Runyon)

3. Until recently, he was an IT consultant at a software company, Runyon Technology Solutions. (翻译:直到最近 他都在 鲁尼恩软件技术公司当IT顾问)

4. Mr. Runyon... you may walk out on me, you may walk out on this body... but you cannot walk out on the will of the American people. (翻译:雷恩先生,你可离弃我、离弃会 但你不可离弃美国人民的信念)

5. Runyon knows that you're clean of the perjury... but he's got the world thinking you're something out of a bad soap opera. (翻译:比堤 雷恩知道你没发假誓 但让全世界知道)

6. - Runyon lobbied just hard enough toge this committee the gig. (翻译:而雷恩游说成功抢来做了 对,我想他得到了)

7. Did Dr. Runyon offer you any special compensation during your relationship? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}在你们相处的时间里 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}Did Dr. Runyon offer you any special compensation {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}她有没有给你额外的补偿 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}during your relationship?)

8. The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation. (翻译:这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院和Damon Runyon癌症研究基金会的赠款。)

9. Uh... well, it looks like Runyon or somebody close to him... has been running a little private investigation... looking for stuff that the Feds wouldn't even touch. (翻译:似乎雷恩或他的亲信 在私自进行调查 想翻点政府不会碰的东西)

10. How long did you know Dr. Runyon before you became intimate? (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}在你们发生关系之前 你认识鲁尼恩博士多久了 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}How long did you know Dr. Runyon before you became intimate?)



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