russell是什么意思 russell的中文翻译、读音、例句

russell是什么意思 russell的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Russell是一个姓氏,源自英国,意为“红头发”。同时,Russell也可以指代一系列与数学、哲学、逻辑学等相关的概念和人物,如哲学家伯特兰·罗素(Bertrand Russell)。

2. 词性:Russell是一个名词,可以作为人名或姓氏使用。

3. 词组搭配:Russell的常见搭配包括“Russell's paradox”(罗素悖论)、“Russell's teapot”(罗素茶壶)、“Russell conjugation”(罗素变换)、“Russell's viper”(罗素蝰蛇)等。

4. 短语:无特殊短语。

5. 发音拼写:Russell的发音为 /ˈrʌsəl/,重音在第一个音节上。


1. Bertrand Russell was one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century.(伯特兰·罗素是20世纪最具影响力的哲学家之一。)

2. Mary's last name is Russell.(玛丽的姓氏是罗素。)

3. Russell's paradox is a famous problem in mathematical logic.(罗素悖论是数理逻辑学中著名的问题。)

4. Do you know the story of Russell's teapot?(你知道罗素茶壶的故事吗?)

5. The Russell viper is one of the most venomous snakes in the world.(罗素蝰蛇是世界上毒性最强的蛇之一。)

1. 'Russell'是英语的词语。

2. 翻译为:“罗素”。

3. Russell一般指的是人名,尤其是姓氏,同时还有一些专有名词,比如:Russell Square(罗素广场)、Russell Sage Foundation(罗素·赛奇基金会)等。

4. 例句:

- Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, writer, essayist, social critic, political activist, and Nobel laureate.(伯trand·罗素是一位英国哲学家、逻辑学家、数学家、历史学家、作家、随笔家、社会批评家、政治活动家和诺贝尔奖获得者。)

- The Russell family has a long history of academic excellence.(罗素家族有着悠久的学术卓越历史。)

- Russell Square is a popular destination for tourists in London.(罗素广场是伦敦游客的热门目的地。)

- The Russell Sage Foundation funds research in the social sciences.(罗素·赛奇基金会资助社会科学研究。)

- The Russell Terrier is a small dog breed originally from England.(罗素梗是一种原产于英格兰的小型犬种。)

- Russell Westbrook is one of the best basketball players in the world.(拉塞尔·威斯布鲁克是世界上最好的篮球运动员之一。)

- The Russell 2000 Index tracks the performance of small-cap stocks in the United States.(罗素2000指数跟踪美国小市值股票的表现。)

- Russell Crowe is an Australian actor and filmmaker.(拉塞尔·克劳是一位澳大利亚演员和电影制片人。)

- The Russell Stover chocolate box was a popular Valentine's Day gift.(罗素·斯托弗巧克力盒是一个受欢迎的情人节礼物。)


读音:rú sài ěr


1. Bertrand Russell是一位著名的数学家、哲学家和逻辑学家。

(Bertrand Russell is a famous mathematician, philosopher, and logician.)

2. Russell先生的讲座非常有趣,我学到了很多新知识。

(Mr. Russell's lecture was very interesting, and I learned a lot of new knowledge.)




例句:Jared Briscoe was about to kill Lab Director Russell. (Jared Briscoe差点杀了Russell主任)


例句:Russell Maniac has been defeated! (Russell Maniac has been defeated!)


例句:Jeff Russell. Welcome, ladies. (我叫Jeff Russell 欢迎 女士们)


例句:Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Russell Maniac! (翻译:I give you Russell Maniac!)


russell一般作为名词使用,如在Earl Russell([网络] 罗素伯爵;洛塞尔;罗素勋爵)、Henry Russell([网络] 亨利·罗素)、Jack Russell([网络] 杰克罗素梗犬;杰克罗素狗;杰克罗素犬)等常见短语中出现较多。

Earl Russell[网络] 罗素伯爵;洛塞尔;罗素勋爵
Henry Russell[网络] 亨利·罗素
Jack Russell[网络] 杰克罗素梗犬;杰克罗素狗;杰克罗素犬
Jane Russell[网络] 珍罗素;拉塞尔;简·拉塞尔
Ken Russell[网络] 肯罗素;拉塞尔;肯·拉塞尔
Lillian Russell[网络] 莉莲;丽莲·拉塞尔;一代歌后
paradox of Russell[数] 罗素悖论
Parson Russell[网络] 帕森罗素
russell angle罗素角{球体平均光度角}


1. Jeff Russell. Welcome, ladies. (翻译:我叫Jeff Russell 欢迎 女士们)

2. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Russell Maniac! (翻译:I give you Russell Maniac!)

3. Did Russell say anything about Carly having other injuries? No. (翻译:Russell说过Carly有其他外伤吗)

4. You are proud, Hope Russell and you are defiant and immodest. (翻译:Hope Russell and you are defiant and immodest.)

5. Admit it, Russell Wilson is no Tom Brady. (翻译:承认吧 Russell Wilson 跟Tom Brady可没法比)

6. Increase security at Russell, Dirksen and Hart. (翻译:加强Russell Dirksen和Hart三栋参议院办公楼的安保 Increase security at Russell, Dirksen and Hart.)

7. Russell treats the Hammer like his dirty laundry. (翻译:Russell treats the Hammer like his dirty laundry.)

8. The fight against what, Mr. Russell? (翻译:跟什么斗法 罗素先生? The fight against what, Mr. Russell?)

9. Now, that is a big decision for team Russell Maniac. (翻译:that is a big decision for team Russell Maniac.)

10. Sam Russell was wrongly convicted and the real killer has struck again. (翻译:Sam Russell是误判的 真凶再次作案)

11. Russell Maniac later tonight. (翻译:Russell Maniac later tonight.)

12. Actually, sir, Russell is not your property. (翻译:Russell is not your property.)

13. Russell is a part of this family. (翻译:Russell is a part of this family.)

14. ANNOUNCER: What is Russell doing? (翻译:What is Russell doing?)

15. So as you can see, Mr. Vaughn, Russell is not your property. (翻译:Russell is not your property.)



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