sagittal resolution是什么意思 sagittal resolution的中文翻译、读音、例句

sagittal resolution是什么意思 sagittal resolution的中文翻译、读音、例句

sagittal resolution的意思是"径向分辨率",还有径向分辨率的意思,发音音标为[sagittalresolution],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到67个与sagittal resolution相关的句子。

Sagittal resolution的释义


例句:LSID Resolution Service implementations. (LSID解决方案服务实现。)


sagittal resolution一般作为名词使用,如在sagittal(箭头状的 )、resolution(①分解②决心 )、sagittal acceleration(纵向加速度)等常见短语中出现较多。

sagittal acceleration纵向加速度
sagittal arc颅矢状弧
sagittal axis[医] 矢状轴
sagittal beam弧矢光束
sagittal border矢状缘
sagittal coma[网络] 弧矢彗差;锤形优化;弧矢彗星像差
sagittal crest[网络] 矢状嵴;矢状脊;直脊


1. Objective:To correct mandibular prognathism with the technique of sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO) and extraoral vertical ramus osteotomy(EVRO). (翻译:目的:应用粗裂钻和薄刃锐利骨凿施下颌骨升支垂直截骨术和矢状劈开截骨术治疗下颌骨前突畸形。)

2. The rule of inference used in this procedure is a subcase of linear resolution—the unit resolution. (翻译:证明过程所采用的方法是线性归结的特殊情形——单位归结。)

3. Results:The qualities of clinical images were closely related to such parameters as CTDI, noise level, density resolution and spatial resolution. (翻译:结果:临床照片图像质量与剂量指数、噪声水平、密度分辨率和空间分辨率关系密切。)

4. Celeste Serrano is doing a seminar in Dispute Resolution. (翻译:Celeste Serrano在纠纷调解委员会 开一个学术会议)

5. The Conflict Resolution Terminal wipes out both flaws (翻译:那么分歧终端机的诞生 一举攻破了这一难题)

6. The government is pressing for an early resolution of the dispute. (翻译:政府正在不断敦促早日解决这起纠纷。)

7. or you can select a custom resolution or transcode to a valid resolution first. (翻译:或者你可以选择一个自定义分辨率或解码到一个有效的解决方案。)

8. To shake or destroy the courage or resolution of; dispirit. (翻译:使沮丧,使灰心动摇或失去勇气或果断; )

9. Of the conflict resolution program over at... (翻译:那个凯霍加社区学院的 调解冲突计划里毕业了)

10. On the sagittal non-contrasted T1-weighted images, there is no posterior pituitary bright spot noted in the sella. (翻译:在矢状平扫T1图像上,未见鞍部垂体后部高信号。)

11. A study of relationship between upper airway form and hyoid position and sagittal facial type (翻译:矢状骨面型与上气道形态和舌骨位置关系的研究)

12. No evidence of infundibular enhancement is noted on either the coronal or the sagittal images. (翻译:无论是矢状面还是冠状面都未见漏斗部异常强化病灶。)

13. in one fell stroke, the resolution was destroyed and with it, my career (翻译:在这次打击中,我的决心被摧毁了 同样毁掉的,还有我的前途)

14. If this is the maximum resolution of your screen or if your resolution is lower than this, you will need to scroll to see some areas of the demo. (翻译:如果这是您屏幕的最大分辨率,或者如果您的比这还低,那么您需要滚动屏幕来查看演示的一些区域。)

15. A special resolution under this section is in this Ordinance referred to as a resolution for reducing share capital. (翻译:本条所指的特别决议,在本条例中称为股本减少决议。)

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